CliffClan is a Clan made with all my kitties from here 

HMs: one | two | three | four | five | six

RUs Unmade: 

Map: dd1371b-a1bd6754-92d6-489d-afd9-41bbc540

Borders: BeachClan / sea / mountains

Leader: Poppystar- solid blue molly with high white and green eyes Apprentice: Frondpaw

Deputy: Sandyflight- pale fawn spotted tabby tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cats: Marigoldspark - fawn spotted tabby molly with low white, yellow eyes, and a bob tail


Dusktalon - black classic tabby tom with yellow eyes Apprentice: Shellpaw

Fireflyblaze - black tom with yellow hairs, one green eye and a missing eye Apprentice: Spiderpaw

Badgerpounce - solid black molly with high white and green eyes Apprentice: Clownfishpaw

Crabhop - chocolate smoke sepia tom with dark blue eyes Apprentice: Sloepaw

Robinfrost - red mackerel tabby molly with green eyes

Cloudpelt - grey point tom with blue eyes

Eelflip - amber spotted Bengal tom with green eyes

Daffodilscreech - red mackerel tabby tom with white and dark blue eyes Apprentice: Applepaw

Grapestripe - black tabby molly with white and green eyes

Sunpatch - solid blue hairless tom with high white and green eyes Apprentice: Emeraldpaw

Vinecry - black smoke tom with medium white and yellow eyes Apprentice: Limepaw

Icicleleap - lilac-cream calico molly with yellow eyes

Wavecry - solid blue nonbinary (molly) with minimal white and one green eye Apprentice: Foampaw

Bushhowl - solid white tom with one green eye and one dark blue eye

Floodrose - brown spotted tabby tom with high white and bright amber eyes

Scorpionstrike - solid black tom with minimal white and green eyes


Frondpaw- solid white tom with blue eyes, deaf

Shellpaw- cream tabby tom with high white and marmalade eyes

Spiderpaw- chocolate spotted tabby molly with white spotting and amber eyes

Sloepaw - seal lynx point molly with blue eyes

Foampaw - cream tabby molly with hazel eyes and a missing ear

Clownfishpaw - red spotted Bengal molly with brown eyes

Emeraldpaw - green spotted tabby molly with dark blue eyes

Applepaw - solid green tom with high white and green eyes

Limepaw - solid green tom with minimal white/red and a neon clover and yellow eyes


Twigspring- calico tortoiseshell with pale rose eyes and high white 

Anglerclaw - silver spotted Bengal molly with blue eyes


Brightkit- ginger classic tabby tom

Cypresskit- cream classic tabby molly

Flykit- black classic tabby molly

Dolphinkit - black tabby molly with minimal white and mint green eyes

Swankit - solid white molly with blue eyes

Whalekit - blue tabby tom with white and blue eyes

Duckkit - solid blue hairless tom with high white and green eyes


Name ideas for the future: (no stealing)

Mongoliahop (overprotective superloving perm. queen)

Beetlemask (super grumpy elder who blames the medicine cats for everything)

Scorpionstrike (fierce, eager warrior with a soft side)

Hummingtuft (has ear tufts)

Bushhowl (munchkin/always busy)

Needs Art CS UFS Male Cat adopted from someone else green Humanoid fluffy green tea Ufs mlp fluff