Shadow Serve

"Shadow Serve " is a secret military squadron funded by Central. If you ever see a random tennis player standing in your way, its most likely Game, Set, And Match for you.

The squadron reflects both its mastery of tennis skills and its unique ability to harness black magic in the most literal sense, making its operatives formidable assets in unconventional warfare scenarios.

Most that are recruited into the squadron are/were from elite tennis academies and training centers worldwide. Early training includes intensive physical conditioning to enhance agility, speed, and endurance, mirroring the demands of high-level tennis matches. More specifically, they engage in drills focused on precision shots, quick reflexes, and accurate serves; in addition to receiving specialized instruction in tactical tennis strategies, analyzing various playing styles, identify weaknesses, and developing game plans to effectively exploit all weaknesses.

Those who show exceptional tennis ability move on to the second practicum: honing their black magic. Attempting to draw and develop their native hidden energies, channel supernatural forces, and integrate mystical techniques into their "tennis" game-play. This unique training empowers them to use enchanted equipment, cast protective spells, and even manipulate elements on the battlefield.

Those who can't keep up at with are sent back to their respective tennis academies, memories wiped of what they had seen or heard from training.

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