Sweet-Oranges's Bulletins

hi guys (from the real abby)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

lol i played A PRANK!! happy uhh oh wait its not april fools anymore

anyways i got my account back from my ocs which hacked it now they're in Eternal folder 

ok bye

So uh

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Abby Sweet-Oranges

I actually have no absolute idea how to code or do the ach tee em ell thing so??? I'm getting Black Ipod to help on that say hi to him (even though he was already here)

HI guys

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Abby Sweet-Oranges

dont worry its okay guys, the real Abby forgot that I exist so really abby isn't completely gone :] anyways, theres more ocs the og abby had but forgot to bring here. i'll try to upload them

HI guys

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Abby Sweet-Oranges

dont worry its okay guys, the real Abby forgot that I exist so really abby isn't completely gone :] anyways, theres more ocs the og abby had but forgot to bring here. i'll try to upload them

Soup Important

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

Hi guys, After Much ConSideration I've Decided That All of My OCS Will be Takeing Over my ToyHouse
I Am Leaving Forever Now
Buy ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ ᵃᵖʳᶦˡ ᶠᵒᵒˡˢ >:⁾

I have returned

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

Yo guys I'm back!! I have returned from my break a few days ago but I'm only posting this now because I finally have the time and remembered to lol 

So I've decided to finish my hiatus early instead of returning temporarily because even though the first few months I've improved and did benefit from the break, it started to get to me during late November. My state began to break down all over again, even though the break originally helped me, so after numerous signs and reflection I realized that I should've made my break shorter than I thought it should. So that's why I've returned! And ever since then, I've been feeling alot better. I now know how to balance my real life and online life, schoolwork and personal work, and how I should handle my state and mental health. I've learned alot about myself and its time for me to return back on my social medias (including here) and to continue chatting with my good pals

Now that I'm back, I hope to catch up and be able to post content soon. I'm planning to loosely schedule myself to at least post once a week, just in case if I'm too busy with other stuff outside of social media 😅 it happens, y'know?

So yeah, that's all I really wanted to say. Until next post!

semi important announcement

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

hey uh. this bulletin is going to be different from other posts i made since most of my "important" posts i made were more as jokes than anything, and its kinda more personal so if its safer to make this post only available to authorized users i will switch it to that. i hope that you understand

To any of you friends reading this, you probably know about my inactivity on platforms such as discord and tumblr. This is because of personal things which has been going on in my life such as schooling. however, it has became increasingly hard to try to balance myself between social media and outside life, so I've decided to do something about it. I will be going on a hiatus on all active social media platforms. I wont be posting anything, responding to any messages, or be active in any discord server/popular social community.  I'm not sure exactly how long the hiatus will be, but most likely its going to go on for the rest of my school year (September - late June). There is a small chance that I may return temporarily on major school breaks, but even then its really only dependent on how busy I am during that break. 

I've decided to do this to take care of my mental health and well being. I find that social media can take alot of my time if I let it. that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, because I do enjoy publishing content, looking at content, and hanging out with my friends-  i really do. but I also want to be able to spend time on other things which matter to me aside from the internet. I feel the need to spend time with family, to go outside, to do better in school considering the fact I'm now in highschool, etc. like i said earlier, its hard to balance both when both are demanding massive amounts of attention at the same time.

I have been thinking about taking a break for awhile even before the school year began. A bunch has been happening, and I hope that this hiatus will help me. And to my friends and others who may be concerned, don't worry about me. I'll be fine, and it isn't your fault that I'll be on break.  Its just personal life is more important to me at the moment and I wanted to do something about it. I hope that people reading this will understand, and well, see you again sometime in the future.

bye-byee 👋


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ds6UlTMb9g&ab_channel=Dinoboo live abby reactio 

also TOBY why did you word tyour tweet THAT specificl???????? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨REAL sus to me

character boundaries because yasss

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

is fanart ok?

OF C OUR;S IT IS!!!! i LOVEEE fanart

are headcanons ok?

OOH MY G yas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slay

is shipping ok?

depends: if oc x oc I'm usually comfy with only doing that with friends, if oc x canon only with the character i perfer shipping my oc with ^^ if the oc is not supposed to be for oc x canon then no

is kinning ok?

ehhh maybe?? just no kinsonas plea

is fanfiction/writing ok?

YASSSS i am fanfic writer OF COURSE i'd love that!!!

can people draw their ocs with urs?

THAT'D BE sooo based I'd LOVE to see my oc interacting with others!!! if its shipping look back at the "is shipping ok" question

can i put your ocs in dreamie folders?


2012 in 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Sweet-Oranges

HAI GUYZ >W< CAN U BELIVE IT????!?!1 2012 is in 1 DAYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS 2MORROW!!!!!!! happy new yearz EVE!!!!! ^-^