

Charamee Collections is where my main, Koneko, resides. I co-own all of the characters here since most of the OCs from this collection are from friends, who I helped create.

Characters from this Collection portray the personalities of their real life counter parts.

 Main   Slice of Life   Kemonomimi   Collection 

Children of the Cursed Red Eyes

"One day, mother never came home again.." 

Hinata, Ameko and Yukiteru became orphans in a blink of an eye, they've struggled and survive for 3 years, not until they were suddenly transported to another world by a certain God, that they don't even remember, except for the fact that his the known "Jealous God".  

Now in a new world they'd have strive to survive once again, while also finding the truth why they were send there, yet after seeing that many people were in that world as well. They speculated that there might be a high chance that their mother is in that very world as well.

 Fantasy   Adventure   Isekai   OC Collection 

Fantasia's Tale

There was once a tale about a witch who was put on a guillotine in front of the roaring anger of the crowd, the reason? it was actually never told, the truth never left the village. For as the day the witch died, is also the day the whole village succumb to death as well.. but of course that's another story to be told.

This story is about Alice Reign, an adopted child, who has never left the village ever since, until one day she met a young mercenary, Jack Basker, who plainly stated that she looks like a princess from a certain kingdom and later on met a Snow Demon named Yuki Frozen, who's in fact a childhood friend of her adoptive parents. "Well at least I could go adventuring.." but in truth this is just an excuse to finding the truth behind a revelation.

 Fantasy   Adventure   Magic   OC Collection 

Daemon's Potion Shop

4 fools handling a certain potion shop.

"Welcome dear customer to Daemon's Potion Shop! We create all sorts of potions from love potions to give to your beloved or poison to which you can also give to your beloved, no I'm just joking, but elixirs are actually much more expensive in this shop, we can also deliver potions to you secretly! so what could be your order? or perhaps you have a certain request to ask of us? I don't mind listening..."

 Dark Fantasy   Creatures   Slice of Life   OC Collection 

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Would you believe that people are quite deceiving at first sight? They act in a character that they want to portray to the general audience in order to hide who they really are, to refrain people from judging them. This is about Shizuka a inexpressive girl whose known for being quirky and eccentric, of course the follow up people beside her are quirky on their own way as well~ 

The world of this intersects with the world of "Dis I Like"

 Slice of  Life   Romance   School   OC Collection 

This Like

An ever smiling suspicious boy who falls in love with a straight laced girl~

Along with their nosy god-like Class Rep who likes cute things and her confident looking yet actually shy little sister who also fell in love with a serious looking boy, who is in fact the straight laced girl's little brother, and not mentioni the Student Council Pres who goes unnoticed, except for the one Class Rep who notices him but pretends not to. 

This World intersects with "Looks Can Be Deceiving"

 Romance   Slice of Life   School   OC Collection 

Aya to Kou

A boy and a girl who's the opposites of the other. A boy who's actually a bit feminine and artistic and a girl who's a bit boyish and a muscle brain. They might tease, fight and look down at each other but they nevertheless they do get along quite well.

This World intersects with "Looks Can Be Deceiving" & "Dis I Like"

 Romance   Slice of Life   School   OC Collection 

HARU Sisters

Old Original characters from when I was 13 years old. The lore for this is even complicated to be spoken of..

 Reverse Isekai   Slice of Life   Magic   OC Collection 

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