
Aboard a mighty ship with a not-so mighty crew lives the last dying remnants of a forgotten world: a world once ruled by spirits and gods whose heads touched the clouds, and whose power could swallow villages whole.  This magic has been lost to the centuries between them, and now only exists as small wisps in some of the living, harnessed by luck, intention, or birthright.  Some who receive this magic are either revered by the living as a rare deity or good omen, while others are feared and shunned or outright hunted under the belief that the power can be forcefully taken

Follows the story of Castaway and his ragtag crew (and the many animals they adopt along the way) of pirates as they sail the seas in search of something none of them can quite name, but all yearn for in their own ways!  His crew is made up of fancily dressed animals and a mismatch of beings all either hunted, feared, or exiled for their magic birthrights, all who find safety and comradery aboard what is probably the most unsuccessful pirate ship in existence

That is until they run into one of the last-remaining wizards in existence and make the fatal mistake of letting him aboard the ship, and now he's much less hostage as he is just generally...refusing to leave.  The only one who seems to have a problem with this is the captain himself, who knows the sort of target that will be put on their heads if they're found with such a powerful magic-born on their ship, much less one that seems to have no idea that he's not supposed to show everyone else what he can do like it's some fun party trick instead of something to be locked away and kept hidden

Staying Forever homed Pochi sisters