
These are characters that I like and want to keep, but typically don't use. I'm tentative but you're free to offer on them.

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This Folder is Marked As:
     Entertaining Offers
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                   🖤   Do Not Offer  🖤
These are my fursonas and main characters. They are not for trade, sale, or otherwise. Please do not even attempt to offer on them. They are forever homed.
                   🖤  Very Tentative  🖤
These are characters I like very much, but may not ever use. I'm very tentative on them, but they're avaliable for the right price. More than likely to accept physical trades and/or money rather than art or characters for these.
             🖤    Entertaining Offers   🖤
These are characters I will take offers on, and are willing to accept if I like the offer! Art, ocs, physical items, money, etc.
                     🖤   Unattached   🖤
These are characters I am not attatched to and am willing to let go for a trade or being bought. They're likely to just rot in my Toyhou.se.
                   🖤   Do Not Want   🖤
These are characters I'm not interested in owning. I'm happy to accept basically any trade for them.
