

Bottlekrats are a closed caracal based spieces that I created

(For those who do not understand this means that you cannot create one without my permission)

Bottlekrats are a feral sepices of cats that are crossed with nature and bottles. They're naturally born with these glass parts. Due to this the nature inside these reflect how they are doing. If the plants and life look healthy then the Bottlekrat is healthy, if it looks dead or dying the bottlekrat is unwell.

Though don't mistake a broken bottle tail as the bottlekrat being unhealthy, it's what's inside that matters the most.

Bottlekrats can be domesticated and be kept as house pets, though this also means there is wild bottlekrats

One trait that almost all of em share is their collecting habbits. Some have big piles of things they have collected while others have a small stash hidden away