Windy Water Colony

Windy Water Colony


  • TYPE Cat Colony
  • FOUNDER Wind
  • LEADER Wind
  • HOME Nearby a pond
  • STATUS Active


The Windy Water Colony is one of the Cat Colonies in the forest. They were created by and are led by Wind. They are the most peaceful colony in the forest. They are not a magic-using colony, and although some cats might have learnt magic from other places, they usually won't teach it to others.

They live in nearby a pond, where the fish for a majority of their food. They live a cathemeral lifestyle, and hunt, socialize, and relax whenever they want to.

They are typically very friendly around other cats, even ones not in their colony. Unlike the other colonies, they are even friendly when they encounter a cat in Necro's Colony. A lot of their friendliness has to do with the lack of food competition, as they mostly hunt fish while the other colonies hunt small mammals and birds. But a lot of it comes from the fact that they believe even the rudest cat could be nice if you are nice enough to them.


Describe your organization's mission and purpose here. For what reason were they formed and continue to function? Is it for the sake of justice? An after school affair? What is your organization's "end goal" if any?

Integer eget felis eu sem commodo feugiat. Vestibulum mauris nisl, sagittis vitae libero a, placerat viverra orci. Proin eu mi mollis purus gravida posuere. Mauris sed nunc id dui molestie ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ac ligula quis metus condimentum hendrerit. Vestibulum convallis, risus non mollis dictum, elit diam interdum urna, eu vehicula diam est id elit. Vestibulum laoreet ligula ac risus vestibulum, quis pulvinar nisi porta. In at sollicitudin turpis, congue maximus felis. Praesent id elit massa.


Describe your organization's values and principles as a collective. What do they believe in? What kind of values do they try to uphold and/ or encompass as an organization?

Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


  1. List the rules your organization members have to uphold as a member of said organization.
  2. Mauris a quam felis. Phasellus ante risus, interdum et neque sed, ultricies porta nunc. In cursus eros at porta sagittis. Quisque iaculis rhoncus nisi, a bibendum sapien ultricies vel.
  3. Fusce mauris urna, eleifend sit amet dapibus sed, aliquet convallis risus. Fusce posuere molestie felis, sed tristique magna dictum at.
  4. Sed malesuada nunc id ante semper, sed porttitor tortor finibus. Mauris ac eleifend orci, et dapibus mauris. Mauris at porttitor odio
  5. Proin finibus elit sed imperdiet mollis.




Nam semper enim a efficitur ornare. Sed vestibulum ultricies dignissim. Nulla ac sem eleifend, maximus sem ac, placerat augue. Morbi libero metus, placerat eget nisi a, porta tempor est. Sed volutpat at nisl in accumsan.



Suspendisse feugiat luctus nisi. Ut efficitur mi nec nulla scelerisque ultricies. Phasellus ultrices in libero in vulputate. Praesent eget diam augue.



Donec accumsan facilisis facilisis. Aenean tempus augue magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Their is no recruitment process for the Windy Water Colony. Cats are free to come and go to the colony as they see fit.


Describe where your headquarters are located here. You can also describe the general structure of it, both in terms of exterior and interior. Is it large and spacious? Small and cramped? In somebody's basement?

Vestibulum id sem semper, malesuada diam et, bibendum libero. Integer sed dui eget sapien fermentum rutrum non id ipsum. Nunc sodales nibh sed ante elementum venenatis. Mauris nec accumsan dolor. In venenatis gravida turpis, eget faucibus magna pulvinar vitae. In ut nisl orci. Sed tortor lorem, pulvinar in justo condimentum, mollis congue ipsum. Aenean quis varius nisl. Praesent maximus elit at malesuada vestibulum. Fusce commodo mi non felis luctus porta. Suspendisse maximus augue vitae dapibus pulvinar. Quisque ut eros sit amet nisi fringilla tempor.

Ut rhoncus massa a lacus cursus sagittis. Etiam tristique bibendum dictum. Integer consectetur eu eros ut euismod. Morbi eu elit vel urna imperdiet rhoncus ut id magna. Nunc pretium, purus quis rutrum sagittis, nisl nunc semper felis, eu viverra magna felis quis quam. Suspendisse quis dignissim lacus, nec ultricies turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam commodo quam lacinia mi laoreet, at sagittis lorem volutpat. Vivamus nec vestibulum erat, eget sollicitudin lorem. Donec vel augue et elit imperdiet ultrices in id mi. Vestibulum urna justo, efficitur quis auctor non, tristique quis erat.


The public opinion of the Windy Water Colony is very positive. They act extremely friendly towards other colonies, and usually won't mind if colonyless cats or cats of other colonies come into the heart of their territory to hang out. They are very liked by Necro's Colony as well, since they put a peaceful end to some of the fights they might come across, and are the only forest cats to not act with hostility towards them.

Code by Aurorean

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