Tattered_Sketchbook's Bulletins

Me when

Posted 29 days, 5 hours ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Not me genuinely thinking foursonas r super cute and wanting to make one myself despite not being in the fandom for it. Idek what I wanna make em look like I just think they’re neat…

Btw about owed art

Posted 4 months, 1 day ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Dealing with helping my sister move in and she’s a massive neat freak so we’re like… DEEP DEEP cleaning the house... and so much like passive aggressive comments about how me and my husband could actually be doing better keeping it clean have affected us both a bit

(She means well and is 100% validated in her words it just stings a bit that she’s right)

Anyways that’s why owed art’s taking a bit, most art I’m making is quick lil things for warmups while I make progress on ur art

Happy new years

Posted 5 months, 25 days ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Year of the dragon Bay-beeeee 🐉 

Happy Holidays!

Posted 6 months, 1 day ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Wishing everyone a happy holidays for whatever you celebrate! I am currently visiting my gran and crying in agony cause I have no idea what my health situation is-

I will try to keep ppl updated on that but man it hurts.

Agony (small vent)

Posted 6 months, 17 days ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Currently in so much pain the only motivation I have is to sit/lay on my bed and rot why does everyth hurt so much.

I don’t even get snuggles, my husband got up and left me to play his Xbox he’s so mean I just want cuddles and to be war, before he vanishes for the next 12 hours to work-

Activity notice

Posted 7 months, 5 days ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Sorry if I’m not like- active as much I’ve literally lost my apple pen and have felt sick recently. 

I’ve also had to mix working on art with struggling to clean my house, not much help from housemates (lh) (I can understand to an extent why not).

On the plus side I’ve found some nice Dr.Sholl diabetic socks and they’re comfy fr <3 feet still get a bit cold tho-

Anything new on ya’lls end?

Hope u all have a very spooky day and that u get lots of candy if u go trick or treating!! Be sure to make sure it’s all safe ofc & don’t forget to thank the ppl who give u candy! 

I’m gonna lay in bed and try to not die of agony cause my legs hurt lol. Might try to work more on owed art, prevent a few cat fights (glaring at slinki rn), the usual…

Anyways what’s ur favorite candy? If u don’t have one or don’t like candy then just tell me a snack u like.

Image servers down

Posted 7 months, 27 days ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

Istg if the image servers to fix themselves faster I’m gonna tape a picture of TH’s logo to a pillow and beat it up I need to fucken upload a sketch adopt n it won’t let me ):<

Life update n stuff

Posted 7 months, 30 days ago by Tattered_Sketchbook

I should rlly make more bulletins about stuff in my life- 

Ok so where to start- idk if I alre stated this but we did move out of the shitty trailer! Tho someone stole some stuff (mainly my husband’s lifelong collection of hot wheels and beyblades 눈_눈) and a storm had occured and made one of the trees (that wouldn’t have happened in the first place if our landlord had just left the fucking trees alone but whatever I don’t live there anymore so idc) fall into the trailer and the roof caved in a bit. ALSO THE FUCKEN DREAMCATCHER MY MOM MADE MY HUBBY IS MISSING AND IT PISSES ME OFF CAUSE SHE MADE THAT DESPITE HER HANDS BEING IN AGINY AND HARD TO FUNCTION AND ITS GONE!?

I think my MIL has it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was stolen as well tho, they’re not as sacred anymore cause ppl like their aesthetic…

Away from the trailer- I already have a bulletin about my mom’s passing. I’m getting better about it, slowly moving on ig… some times I still break down a bit, it was all kinda sudden tbh but she’s not in pain anymore. I plan on making a small lil alter for her so I can leave small gifts for her whenever I miss her & for her birthday. Just gotta make a list of what she liked.

I finally got married on the 17th of this month (October 17) so I now legally share the last name of my hubby!! Feels nice tbh. 

Also have a party coming up tomorrow at a friend’s house! I am thinking about bringing my Xbox so we can play Jackbox and maybe Mortal Kombat 1 [shit’s so fun but some of the combos ppl can do is just- (´・Д・lll)ゞ] 

rn my thigh, calf, n shoulder are screaming in pain but that’s just how it be. Spray some biofreeze on it and move on. Hope u guys are having a good year so far and will have a spooky halloween lol! Feel free to lmk what ur costumes are gonna/would be cause I rlly like this season and love hearing ppl’s creativity N stuff.