TatyanaSippy's Bulletins


Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by Tat'yana Sippy TatyanaSippy

Please, read thoroughly before proceeding!


  • English isn't my first language, so there might be some errors in my grammar and spelling (sorry).
  • Some character profiles and artworks may contain gore/slight sensitive topics!
  • Many of my characters are the COVID-19 (Corona)virus and other types of microbes.  Just leave my profile in case you might feel uncomfortable with this.


  1. Be kind and respectful!
  2. This account is my place to store and display my characters only, and I like to be left in peace. This account must feel like a safe place for my introverted mind, so your (probably good intentioned) try at socializing with me rather causes me to feel uncomfortable and anxious. However, you may still favorite or say/ask something short about a character, because I like to answer such comments. But, just don't start a long social (and personal)conversation via public comments and/or private messages (like 'Hey, how are you doing?', or 'What are your hobbies?' for example). Definitely do not try to do a role play either!
  3. Regarding comments on my profile or those of my characters; Be respectful and kind, please!
  4. Private messaging is disabled! I only enable this when there's a good reason to.
  5. Do NOT copy or trace my characters and artworks, do NOT use my characters and/or their names without my permission, do NOT use my artworks without my permission and do certainly NOT straight up claim my characters and/or artworks as yours! If you have my permission to use my characters and/or artworks, then please properly credit me as the original creator/owner by putting a link to my account in a description! 
  6. You want to make fan-art of my characters? Aye, that's fine, but please, ASK me before actually starting, and keep to the character's rules! You want to post your artwork on other websites? Then please properly credit me as the character's original creator/owner by putting a link to my account in a description!
  7. Due to bad experiences with someone who wanted to make an AU of one of my stories, I don't want anyone to make AU's of my stories anymore! However, I'm aware that people who do things without the other person's knowledge, do exist. So, if you secretly work on an AU, then good for you, but don't bother me about it, and at least be decent enough to credit me as the original creator of the original version of the story and characters (because you might be using my characters without my knowledge too, given your story is an AU!). I don't  trust others so easily anymore because I'm simply too afraid that you may turn out being like the previous person. But, if you are a fan of my stories and you have an idea for a completely original story and with your own original characters of the species that appear in said stories, then be my guest! I love to be an inspirational source for other people's original stories. However, because your characters might be of species designs created by me, I'd like to kindly ask you to properly credit me as the original creator by putting a link to my account in a description! The character may be fully created by you, but the species design itself is still mine!
  8. I don't like it when others create profiles for my characters, especially NOT when it happens without my consent! If a character you like isn't listed here yet, then please be patient and wait until I make a profile for them.
  9. Do NOT randomly put my characters in a ToyHouse game without my consent. This makes me feel uneasy as hecc!


  • Pedophiles, zoophiles, racists, LGBTQA haters, furry haters, minors
  • People whom I blocked! LEAVE ME ALONE! However, you may as well be viewing my profile while being logged out or using a different account at the moment. And honestly, that's fine because I most likely don't know it's you and I can't do anything about it anyway. But only under certain conditions you may continue viewing my profile and characters; No comments, no favorites, no subscriptions! In case you do all of this anyway while you're indeed hiding behind a different account, then at least make it actually seem like you're someone else. If you continue trying to get in contact with me or are straight up harassing me via your new account, I'll block that account too! Simple as that!