Tay-Niko-Y's Bulletins


Posted 25 days, 2 hours ago by Tay-Niko-Y

gay month is coming!!
so just wanted to remind you about my open YCHs
I'm not sure if I'll make new ones (will try tho)
and I'm not sure when (if?) I'll open my normal comms (still trying to deal with life & my silly brain), so for now YCHs are the main things you can buy from me
I still need to earn some money for daily expenses, so will gladly make some of those 🫶 🫶 I'll try to finish them in this month

69584774_iTN9d0GS9pI0XV2.png 65800729_BZy.png 65275623_YzB.png 65192845_kqf.jpg 62417015_Zc5.png?1679255428 52057501_oZY.png?1686209978 52057430_m6t.png 52057346_8ek.jpg

lately my mental state started getting worse again
I have no strength to do comms, had some expenses (dentist, xmas gifts, merch stand on the event) & generally feel unadapted to live in this world (like I was always feeling, but now even more)

here are all my OCs for sale - https://toyhou.se/Tay-Niko-Y/characters/folder:2940019 (I can offer lower prices or discount when getting more OCs, just need to get rid of them)
and here you can find my other stuff for sale:
merch - https://www.deviantart.com/tay-niko-y/gallery/89988453/merch-for-sale (there'll be more soon!! like stickers and acrylic keychains)
handmades - https://www.deviantart.com/tay-niko-y/gallery/83949738/handmades-for-sale-open (chokers, bracelets...)

if there's anything new for the sale, I'll be giving updates & info on my TG channel - https://t.me/feathercryptidstuff
you can also support me on kofi!! https://ko-fi.com/tay_niko_y

take care guys

🍁 important info about my comms!!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Tay-Niko-Y

I decided to change a way of ordering things from me!

➡️ If you want to have a chance to get a commission from me - fill this form! https://forms.gle/vqrRy7xDDvphtsSRA
➡️ applications are always open

Art is my only job that I have to do if I want to pay rent, daily expenses or medicines. Due to the fact that I care about freedom and comfort when I do something that is also my hobby, I don't always have the strength to do everything and take orders from everyone. I feel better, achieve better effects and have more satisfaction when I draw/make what I want and when I want. It also means that you get better arts.
When I have a specific list of things to choose from, I can more consciously predict what I'll be able to do and accept the order only when I already have the most important information.
Mutual respect and honesty are important in cooperation, so if you'd like to get something from me - respect my way of working, thank you 👉👈

so as you maybe noticed, I've closed my comms a while ago (because of my mental state + I'm hella tired of making them), so I need to sell my adopts ASAP  
for now this is the only possibility to get comm from me - pay a bit more for the adopt & get art of the character you're buying

designs availability: https://toyhou.se/Tay-Niko-Y/characters/folder:2940019

(you add that price to the price for an adopt, e.g. when adopt is for $15, you get design+waist-up for $40)
- pay $25 more & get additional flat waist-upNewCanvas4.png?width=494&height=577
- pay $50 more & get front+back reference sheetcccc.png

I already have 171 subscribers dayummm, it's the first time I check it xD
thank u so much    
I'm thinking about making a small raffle when I hit 200, maybe for small art or already existing OC, we'll see   
if you want me to hit 200 faster, will be glad for sharing my profile with your friends or on your profile!

OCs PURGE (mostly $2-30)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Tay-Niko-Y

i've lowered prices & need to get rid of them, open for offers!!