Tealdupi's Bulletins

Open Commissions!

Posted 5 months, 30 days ago by Tealdupi

Hello everyone !!

Right now I have commissions open since I have the energy to draw and do stuff like that !

All the info you'll need is here! -> Commission Information!

Have a nice day!! :)

Fanart Drawing Info!

Posted 10 months, 26 days ago by Tealdupi

hello hello!! I would ADORE it if anyone wanted to draw my silly characters -- so if you do, here are some of the thingies to be aware of!!! x3


I politely ask that you please DO NOT -

 Change their skin tone / race (for the tone - it's totally okay to change it for lighting reasons!! but if there's no reason to change it, don't.)

Draw them in an inappropriate way / doing something inappropriate (for example, drawing them in a s3xual way - I don't want any of my characters portrayed like that!)

Don't change their body types - if you're unsure what body type one has, it should be in their tags!

Don't draw them doing anything related to S/H, S/A, or su!c!d3 !

Don't make any hateful art with them!!

✖ Don't change their hair type!

Now that everything you shouldn't do is out of the way, here's some stuff you can do!!


You CAN (basically anything that's not in the do not - I'll highlight some of them here! [except apparent things you shouldn't do]) -

Draw them with your OCs or other characters of mine!

Change what outfit they're wearing / change their hairstyle!

Make ship art & group drawings!

☆ Swap colour palettes! (just DON'T change their skin colour, please!! ^^;;)

Make joke art!

Genderswap them! (for nonbinary & transgender characters you should probably ask me before doing that with them!)

That's basically everything -- you can ask me any questions if needed! x3

Introduction // About me !

Posted 11 months, 16 days ago by Tealdupi

Hello!! This is just about me and stuff you should know before you interact with me:)


☆ BYI ☆

– I'm a part of the LGBTQIA+ community!

– I WILL block you if you don't have basic human decency! :) (if you're racist, lgbtqphobic [including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitimate sexualities/pronouns], anti-semetic, xenophobic/islamophobic, ableist, p3d0philic/MAP, sexist/misogynistic, etc.)

– You need to use tone indicators when talking to me!

– I usually use emoticons such as :3, :), :D, etc.


☆ Basic things ☆

– Please DO NOT steal, copy, or take heavy inspiration from my OCs. (You can take light inspiration! :])

– If I give you art you can post it anywhere you wish AS LONG AS you credit me by linking me back to one of my socials and DO NOT remove my watermark