Teelia's Bulletins

Thumbnail Contest! (Mandatory MAP!)

Posted 5 months, 4 days ago by Teelia

https://forms.gle/t3dt1BNt5uoDQBYi7 Check it oooout, thumbnail contest for the Video Killed the Radio Star - Mandatory MAP!

You can make a 1080x1920 thumbnail either with our main three, or including Curiosity!




The MAP is almost done! We have one more part left to complete so all is coming together! If you wanna check out the original MAP call it's here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikfAQTZvBXA

AND if you want to see it so far... I have an updated WIP here https://youtu.be/Zpt8KmYiVsY

Just submit via the google forms above! Thank you all so much for your interest and support! It should end around sometime in January! ^ ^


(Poll) For an web series, what do you prefer?

Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by Teelia

For an web series, what do you prefer?

81 Votes 11 minute episodes released semi periodically
49 Votes 22 minute episodes released in long gaps
11 Votes web film released in parts
1 Votes other?

Some popular kids shows like Bluey, Powerpuff Girls, etc. have 11 minute episodes that end up taking half a shows runtime (15 minutes with commercials) but I notice there's a trend of indie episodes/pilots running longer like 22 minutes and I was kind of curious what ya'll would prefer? Or a big ol long 95 minute web film (probably released in parts, which I've seen movies be uploaded on YT that way often) that just ties everything together at once. 🤔 Thoughts. feelings, considerations, your vote?

Thank you all so much for responding in the last poll! It means a lot that there's still so much interest in Mandatory 🤍

(Poll) Pilot Episode Ideas? - Story Options

Posted 5 months, 21 days ago by Teelia

Which story would you prefer a pilot episode for?

116 Votes Mandatory: Heart of Glass (has book + audiobook published, feral fantasy adventure)
25 Votes Mandatory: The Main Hiatus (Sequel to the book series, feral fantasy antagonist adventure)
25 Votes Bizarre Celebrations (Lion, Gemsbok, Deer and Unicorn, dystopian feral fantasy adventure)
5 Votes Constellatory (human sci-fi fantasy war story)
16 Votes Bourgeoisie (anthro medieval dark comedy adventure)

So a pilot episode's been itching on my brain lately and I kinda want to gauge the interest in Mandatory, or if the attention has been drawn elsewhere over time? So I'm making options so I can get an idea what to tackle for 2024!

Mandatory: Heart of Glass; the animated series I've been talking about since 2015 https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:110673

In the land of Media, a technology-based island where magic is forbidden, three individuals, Radio, Video, and Pictures, are cursed with a frightening spell by the former sorcerer queen in a final attempt at revenge. Queen Satisfaction's last living follower, a manic monkey mage known as the Jester, is now acting in her stead to cast fear upon the technology regime. The Median King has been attacked and turned into a crystal heart, and the chosen three are sent to collect the fragments of and restore the crystal to bring their leader back before Media is thrown into chaos. 

However, the odds are against them and tensions become high. Everyone must stay at their best to ensure they make it through this alive and defeat the Jester, who has more ties to power than what they assume.

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz6z7BzTVkhhOr4XI5ssxQteWmO1m9ooh

Mandatory: The Main Hiatus; after Mandatory ended up as a novel series and audiobook, I made the Main Hiatus as a planned sequel after the book series is completed, It follows an all new cast of characters as the main characters we know and love have taken a "hiatus" and are no where to be found. https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:175956

The sequel to the book series featuring an all new cast, Irony, Galore, Preset and Virus, with Phonograph making a comeback to help Irony and his new friends save Media when Virus decides to challenge himself to destroy the population.

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivi5HzAleWc + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74t7kWql3ts (outdated) AND UPLOADED as of today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlBMSa5l2ag

Bizarre Celebrations; A story I acquired after a few years of sales and trades, following a sickly lion North and his friend Kirabo as they try to find Gambit, an evil unicorn who can grant wishes and has taken over the continent. https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:448939

Videos: N/A 😔

Constellatory; My oldest story I've created (at the age of 9,) originally started as a sonic fan story with chao, I then made it into an original story with humans.

Empress Eclipse has taken over all the worlds in the solar system, developing technology powered by the sun and moon for ultimate power, but the tables turn when her own daughter, Aurora, seeks out the former world leaders and helps them take back what was theirs. https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:285809

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qGtjmrCEfU + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qf9lTvJ-3I (unfinished)

Bourgeoisie; my teen story that I made during an RP with a few friends that was a recycled version of Mandatory in 2014, but since then has become it's own thing of a bounty hunter trying to help a petty thief (or so he thinks) not get killed by his own bounty hunter co-workers, a team of assassins who she stole from, and the capitol guard as everything possible goes wrong and all the blame falls upon her. https://toyhou.se/Avi/characters

Videos:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqZE1LebVaJ_lHPxdI9x1JUWYmoGO0SA

YAY THANK YOU FOR reading!! <333

Toyhouse Cleanout - Closed!

Posted 6 months, 17 days ago by Teelia

I KNOW I just had a bulletin about offers on unsorted a month and a half ago, but I recently just dumped/archived about a dozen folders or so and am looking at really cleaning house with my gallery. 

I threw like 70% of my characters into unsorted https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/ and I'm looking to get riiiid of like, 300 characters? Maybe 500, AJDKJNFKJNKSG 

You can offer in story characters too because I have been contemplating major reworkings of my stories as well https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:110682 but I will likely not part with anyone since I already combed through these folders of who I'm not certain on. :3c 

Those are just the big maybes if you're interested in folks outside of Unsorted. I hope you enjoy taking a gander around! https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:unsorted

You can offer anything ! I'll probably ignore non-serious offers though ^ ^

 I won't accept offers after at least a day so that way everyone's got a chance to look seeing as how it's like 50 pages of characters, no rush! ♥ Take your time looking. Please offer on the bulletin or I'll likely ignore the offer, sorry! ;w;

EDIT: I'll be deleting comments I didn't accept to keep it tidy and organized later! Tysm for offering and helping me find new homes for peeps! Closed now since it's been two weeks!

Taking offers on Unsorted! - Closed!

Posted 8 months, 3 days ago by Teelia

Thank you all so much! Closing since it's been a week now :)

Some of you might have noticed I cleaned out my Story folders quite a bit and ended up with 6 pages of characters in my Unsorted https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:unsorted

I have been gathering characters for 10+ years and kept thinking I'd have roles for them, places for them in my story, and sometimes things just weren't in the cards. Many ended up with not having a role I intended, or something else of the like.

So I thought I'd give others a shot to have maybe a character they like or could use! ♥ It's been about six months since my entertaining offers bulletin but this is mostly just focused on my Unsorted folder. 

I accept offers of USD, characters, art, animation, videos, physical crafts, etc.! Take a look around and see if there's anyone you'd like!


Thank you for your interest! ^ ^ Please comment here on the bulletin! If I don't reply right away it just means I'm considering!

As you all may know, I go super hard during artfight and the past two years I've done over 100 attacks each artfight season! https://artfight.net/~Teelia 

I'm planning on Team Vampire, but I do friendly fire chains, regular chains, revenges, etc. I'm shooting for 100 more attacks and doing four videos this year, and I'm trying to finish Fine from last year before the event starts!

There's a few attacks I'm planning out, maybe if you have a preference, you can leave it down in the comments below?

Toony attacks



You might have seen my Sad Cat Dance video or other toony images I have done. I have plans for doing some toony attacks this artfight! I do both humanoids and ferals and am excited to work with all of ya'lls characters





Animated attacks and videos are on my agenda for this year! I'm thinking of trying out Youtube shorts for the first time and using attacks against people for practice, so keep an eye out for that! ouo

Scenes and other attacks




And my more standard attacks! If there's something you're hoping to see me do this year, as in a style, or any other ideas, let me know and I'll try and wiggle it in my queue! If you wanna link your artfights below, I'd love to take a gander! ^ ^

Identity, pride month, art fight (ramble)

Posted 11 months, 4 days ago by Teelia

Hi everyone/she‧kú swakwe·kú! For any natives and those interested, I read that people can just make their own flags if need be so since I've been struggling with finding if I'm ace/demi/pan/bi/non-binary/demigirl, etc. I thankfully was welcomed into the two-spirit community on my reservation and felt more comfortable identifying as two spirit with the experiences with myself and the other parts I don't always identify as, so I thought I'd share my personal flag in case any other two-spirit natives might be interested in using it, too!


(Lowered Opacity)


I am still learning, so please do not be hurt or upset if you feel this isn't representative, but I'll paste what I told my friends.

Two spirit usually can identify as any of the lgbt+ or multiple identities/two spirits for natives, so I have trans/nonbinary for red, bi/gay/les for yellow, ace/demi/etc for white, and the dark grays for those not represented for black, which are the four colors/directions of the medicine wheel---basically, gender for red, sexual/romantic orientation for yellow, ace spectrum for white, and other for black. It's my personal flag but other two spirits can use it ofc

I found it fit the best for me because bi covers the bi umbrella (pan/masc/fem/etc preference) the trans umbrella includes male/female/nonbinary, and demi/ace spectrum both share the same colors of asexuals, demisexuals, non-asexual partners and allies, and community, and the dark grays for what I may have missed/isn't represented. The two black arrows represent the two spirits or multi-directions. I used to study the pride flag color meanings a lot cause I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT I WAS and I loved that the trans and bi and ace flags covered masc + fem, + everything in-between + nothing at all for both gender and sexual/romantic preference and this is what made me comfortable.


without the additional stripes.

That aside, happy pride month! I'm slowly getting more comfortable with my identity, and just want to remind everyone, it's okay if you need to search and wonder for a bit, or don't know for certain, or end up changing your orientation when life things come along. I found out I was bi through talking with my friends on attraction, realized I was more comfortable associating myself as ace, and then found out about demisexual which made me even more excited because for years I used that to identify as! You have to find what makes you comfortable, and if you're an ally, welcome! We appreciate your support, your voice, and you helping advocate for our rights and being welcoming to anyone who may need an extra hand while they struggle against prejudice and misjudgment!

I'm super late on the bandwagon but I just found out about the Pri(de mon)th thing and it cracked me up so bad I made this for Scartheshrop of her character, Blaze.


And on the topic of making art for peeps, I'm HYPED this year for artfight because so far I haven't had any more health problems and should be able to go super hard on artfight! So I'll link my artfight https://artfight.net/~Teelia and I'll make a separate bulletin when we draw closer to the event which starts July 1st O:

But for now we can enjoy our pride month! Happy June everyone! Keep being you, thanks for all your support, and here's to the second half of the year!

Thank you so much/Yawʌʔkó! - Teelia

EDIT: Closing this up since it's been 20 days and 300 comments and many trades, thank you all for offering on my characters!

HELLO, it's time for my annual entertaining offers bulletin/journal, sorry if I ended up not getting to your answer last year, it meant I was considering it but last year dragged me through the mud and I never ended up getting to them 😭 but this is a new year so feel free to make new offers or pull over your old offers! You never know if I've grown disconnected from a character over time or not!

Literally feel free to offer on anyone ~ I'll probably just ignore 'I offer a cornchip/soul' offers, sorry! ^^; and if possible, please stray away from my pending folder, they're already going to assigned homes <:3c

Folders where offers I'm most tempted to consider in order of most to least consideration:

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:unsorted?page=1 - unsorted

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:3681504 - secondary stories

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:2437314 - undetermined Constellatory characters

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:448939 -Bizzare Celebrations characters

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:111652 - Observatory characters (do not offer on the Teelia's Cats folder that's within BG characters)

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:117904 - undetermined Mandatory characters

And you can offer outside of these folders, but think $200+ then if you plan on me to consider accepting, they're my babies! ;w; IF YOU'RE bold about anyone in the Mandatory characters, book 5/6/Of Events Prior/Origins are the most likely to be accepted on.

Another more likely potential way to find characters to offer on https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:nft,Mandatory,Sona,Splashs%20History,Bizarre%20Celebrations

Specifically my designs https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:nft,Mandatory,Sona,Splashs%20History,Bizarre%20Celebrations/tagged:Teelia

Please don't comment on the character profiles themselves, but instead put your offers here or in DMs if you think you want to offer something with payment plans! I am going to be taking summer off of school and stuff so I'll be most lenient toward USD, but you can offer animations, art, videos, crafts, plushies, pixels, characters, customs, what have you for any of this! Go wild and have fun, I'd love to see who you're interested in~ I am most likely to consider specific offers of direct amounts of art, money, etc. and I may respond to things out of order, but that just means I'm considering your offer!

Thanks for your interest and happy shopping! ♥


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Teelia

At first I was going to wait until the teams to be revealed- but then I realized I'm going to be doing friendly fire anyway sO... (I think teams are getting revealed on the 20th but don't quote me on that AUFHG)


Can ya'll drop your artfights below? I'm hoping to be making a bit of a hitlist and 👀🤍 thought it'd be really fun to attack some of you here, I really appreciate all your support, favorites, etc. and it'd be so exciting to get to fight this year! I took the summer off of school and I am READY to destroy ya'll on the battle field >:3c

I will still reply to the remaining comments! It's finals and I'm jUST dying rn

Hello! 👀💦 I am like, 50 characters away from 1,000 and thought maybe it's about time to entertain offers again!

https://toyhou.se/Teelia/characters/order:favs_desc Those in the story folders are least likely xD

Just please don't offer on anyone in pending! ♥ Would appreciate serious offers, I probably won't respond to joke offers. Offer here on the bulletin~

Thank you! I might reply to some out of order, it's just because I'm considering!