Flaming Garden

Flaming Garden.

Title Card



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★★★ 2018| 14+ | 1 Season | Genre: Slice of Life
This story follows a young half-plant boy named Kalan, who is the youngest plant child of an elf mage and a humanoid dragon. Despite being stranger than his classmates, Kalan finds solace in the local gardening club that he runs, where he discovers his love for tending plants. His two plant-humanoid siblings are absolutely unhuinged and never seem to want to grow up but even with this Kalan navigates the challenges and wonders of growing up, as he learns about love, and what it means to be a part of something greater than himself. With a vibrant world filled with fascinating creatures, spellbinding magic, and gorgeous gardens, Just a delightful and uplifting tale about some magic plant people.
Main Characters: Kalan Aloe