Current Blackout

Current Blackout.

Title Card



★★★★ | 2021| 14+ | 1 Season | Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Current Blackout: Is a story of a world where technology is king and resources are scarce, only the strong survive. Knox a determined android who refuses to be held back by society wants to become a fighter. But lives in a world where robots and androids are treated as second-class citizens, Knox had taken on small fights here and there for money until he met Matúš, a human with a knack for analyzing fighters, the two team up to take the underground fighting scene to make a name for themselves. As they rise through the ranks, they'll encounter rival fighters, corrupt officials, and powerful corporations.
(Rules of the world): Androids and Robots who where not born human must pay a(n) additional development tax to the government in turn all android models will recieve covered updates.
Main Characters: Knox, Matúš