• Heyo, welcome to my directory! Each folder has it's genres and character species tagged.
  • SCMAS is not just my creation. You can check out more about the universe here.
  • Do not offer on any of my characters, please and thank you.
  • Please feel free to favorite or comment however!

We follow the lives of a particular group of students attending the Somerset College of the Magikal Arts and Sciences.

Fantasy Bildungsroman Magical Realism Humans Humanoid

A big, vibrant and lively city with plenty of inhabitants. Big overarching plot not included.

Fiction Romance Slice of Life Ferals Anthros

The story of Jamal Reed becoming the greatest pirate of our era with the help of the deceased captain, Salvadora Bautista.

Fantasy Pirates Ghosts Humans

These are fandom-based characters, they are mostly used for roleplaying and playing with concepts from their respective worlds.

Fiction Fantasy D&D Warriors Wordgirl Ferals Dragonborns

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