☢️ Radiance ☢️

☢️ Radiance ☢️

When a research facility suffers from a chemical spill that mysteriously causes everyone inside it to go missing, it isn't long before strange felines with brightly-colored, glowing fur and bizarre powers start showing up and terrorizing the town, no doubt resulting from whatever happened inside the facility. In an effort to stop the spreading contagion and find out what's causing these cats to have such powerful abilities, a specialty team of "Hunters" is formed, each tasked with the job of finding and capturing one of the radioactive felines causing havoc throughout the area. When one of the team members, a purple feline named Akai, is given the job of finding the so-called "leader" of these chemical-laden beasts, a cat known only as Radiance, he takes it upon himself to do everything within his power to find the bright green feline and put a stop to him for good, even going so far as to seek help from some of the very cats other members of his team are meant to be capturing. However, when Akai suddenly finds himself on the path to Radiance's home- a large forest that houses many of the other felines that gained power from the chemical spill- and face-to-face with the clever cat, he soon discovers that the team he's a part of may not be exactly what it seems and that there are many close-guarded secrets they've been keeping from him and his fellow hunters.

Although the "main" story follows Akai, there will likely be other short stories made focusing on the other hunters and their targets hehe <3

The original short story was written sometime in early 2019 and has sadly been lost to time after my old school account got disabled once I graduated so I plan to re-write it sometime soon dfjgnfng//

Butterfly Caught
Massive Attack
Euro Child
Massive Attack
Face to Face
Daft Punk
The Lovecats
The Cure