TheBastardHyena's Bulletins

Relationship Tracker Key

Posted 6 months, 28 days ago by TheBastardHyena

-6 | Avoid at all costs. Would like to see this person get hit by a bus. Mortal Enemy
-4 | Really doesn't like spending time with this person and if they can find a reason to get out of interacting with this person, the character will.
-2 | Will tolerate this person but the character won't actively seek this person out. Doesn't have the greatest impression on the character.
1 | Knows of this person, most likely has only met them once or twice and hasn't formed much of an opinion of them yet.
+2 | Enjoys this person's company but the character won't actively seek this person out. Generally has a positive impression of this person though.
+4 | Really likes spending time with this person. They're an important person in this character's life.
+6 | Could spend every second of every day with this person and never get tired of them. Would die for them.

Friendship - Green (#0c9400)
Romantic Interest - Purple (#680094)
Love - Pink (#940074)
Trust - Orange (#944300)
Respect - Yellow (#948d00)
Intrigue - Lt Blue (#009492)
Confusion - Blue (#050094)
Fear - Red (#940000)
Distrust - Black (#000)
Hate - White (#fff)

I will format this and make it look pretty tomorrow - just wanted to get it down on "paper" tonight.