Team Jabberwocky

"A captain who not only challenged the former but changed the course of their crew (former) name: Jabberwocky."

"But due to a thunderstorm, all members were lost"

"But Alice Winter, the former captain but now a leader of a Wayfarer team with the same name, is on a mission to not only (and hopefully) find his old crew..."

"But to allow others to join their crew, find allies, and turn against his old ways of life to something new, something fresh..."


Alice Winter


Crow Country

Former Members

Michael Astral - Quartermaster (Status: Missing)

Edward 'Bear' Deck - Navigator (Status: Missing)

??? - Boatswains (Status: Missing)

Crow Country - First Officer (Status: Found and Joined)

??? - Second Officer (Status: Missing)

??? - Carpenter (Status: Missing

??? - Gunner

??? - Cook

??? - Musicians