TheSparklyMisfit's Profile Comments

Oooh, I LOVE your character designs! They're so unique and pretty!

Aw, thank you very much! I appreciate that ^^

yoyo i see your a sonic fan >:) your art is rly cool and i was wondering if you wanted to maybe wanted to do an art trade ??

Sorry, but I'm not interested

alright ! happy new years ^^

would it be alright if I simply drew your character for the fun of it? kinda like an art gift ^^

Sure if you want :)

thanks :) ig im just feeling motivated rn ^^

It looks really great and very sweet of you, thank you so much :)

1 Replies

I had no idea you had a TH; I shoulda asked 

Didn't know you were here either lol I just use this place for character storage lol

somewhat do too (minus trying to sell my own designs) lol
funny how our TH's are the same as our DA's pff

I just use this name everywhere since about 2018 lol makes it easy for me to keep track of stuff 


well I've gone through a lot of name changes, still trying to find one I like. So it's good you stuck to yours for so long lol

Setting up this page is gonna be a pain friiiick X'D