cat she her he him they them heterosexual pansexual bisexual the stars elite gay lesbian asexual aromantic humans and humanoids dog genderfluid non-binary polyamorous demigirl demiboy the rot elite agender tabaxi and catfolk demiromantic trans man druid bard panromantic trans woman tiefling vampire elf sorcerer bigender cleric demisexual rogue half elf stars member animal companion heterochromia paladin drow gnome gangrel wolf witch dragon wolfdog tengu aasimar homestuck troll ranger purgatory elite swashbuckler rougarou dragonborn warlock intersex catfolk tiefling halfling kobold lashunta cavalier fighter munavri barbarian wolfborn satyr heteroromantic brujah android ratfolk minotaur ventrue lizardfolk undine skald rabbit mustelids ravnos dwarf leshy orc wizard inquisitor boggard gnoll lalafell mechanic dirge bard pathfinder changeling syrinx drow tiefling blood hunter bard paladin demiromantic pansexual au ra kitsune ifrit bard druid lioness alchemist locathah monk i hope so tiefling dhampir goblin fakemon miqote warforged dnd changeling envoy merfolk antipaladin astomoi naiad faun biromantic harengon artificer