AU: Fido's Reality

Fido Tenacity's double life had been unsustainable from the start. By day, he stayed with his family and sister in the Neutralplane, the natural world. By night, he lived with his wife in the dangerous dream-like world of the Contingentplane, a world full of unseen threats and in particular, a monster waiting to take advantage of him. The bloodthirsty Tresn took Fido captive, forcing Fido to bring people from the Neutralplane to the Contingent where they would be ripe for the slaughter. When Fido refused, Tresn ripped apart his sister, then threatened to do the same to his wife, Mivas Tenacity. With his hands tied and his spirit crushed, Fido began bringing people to Tresn, one by one. In the chaos of the new world Tresn's actions would create, Cessa Somnium looks to exact his revenge against the monster for the slaughter of his family.