Pekee Pamoja

Only Together

Firyali wanted a name that sounded as unique as her coat. Something meaningful. Her native tongue is Swahili. Thinking hard about what she wanted her pride to portray, she thought about how she felt among her old pride. Alone. Outcasted. Different. No one should have to feel that way but sometimes it wasn’t helped. Even together with others who felt the same, the situations were still unique to the individual. With that, she thought of “alone together” or in her language, Pekee Pamoja.

Alignment Percentage

Lawful Good
Nuetral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil

The Pekee Pamoja pride was founded by Firyali, a lioness familiar with the unfortunate reality of being different. She doesn’t let this bring her down and has decided to start a pride where any who feel outcasted can be welcome. Pekee Pamoja translates to “only together” in her native tongue. Seeking a place to inspire others with the beauty of the world, she stumbled upon a rare paradise. Soft grass which was easy on the paws. A few acacia trees for shade. Large rocks perfect for sunbathing. A pond which comes and goes with the seasons and large enough to cool off several lions at once. There was even a small den of sorts carved out of a small dirt cliff. Definitely not room for an entire pride, but perhaps two or three full grown adults. The area was gorgeous. And uninhabited. Perfect. With a smile on her face, Firyali made claim to the area.

VOK-Lion Ukumbi wa Paradiso Msitu wa Baridi Kikoa cha Zamani Kuni wa Mkondo Hunter Maeneo ya Kufa Scout Hekalu la Uungu Guard Knight Deity Courier Ardhi Huru Spy Captain Civilian Demigod Head Knight Healer