Times's Profile Comments

Hello! I have one of your old charcters that I got disconnected with if you ever want them back

https://toyhou.se/7741229.meliodas Here

Ohh! I'd like them back! :3

Hello! Not sure if I've asked before but 

Would you consider taking ajpw items for your characters lucky, roomba, or yummie?

I'll consider items for yummie!!

See anything you like here? :D https://toyhou.se/17133585.ajpw-items/gallery

I liked the cupid wings, orange and purple forest, rare archer, and circling phantoms! :3

Cupid wings and circling phantoms I no longer have! But I can do orange and rare archer <3

okie! when can you log on? :0

4 Replies

Oh also u good if I remove the links from moonbeam?


Thank you!!!

Thank you for the art! ^^