
An old, odd town that seems to have been erased from all maps. How did you even get here? And just where have you been? Ah, well. You're home now. 

Allshome is a sweet little town of endlessly interesting residents! You'll find yourself meeting someone different at every turn. Be careful, though. There's something off about them, and that strange rabbit-like creature seems to be trailing not far behind.

They used to be normal. A normal town of normal people with normal pets who all lived normal lives. However, after the incident, they all began to change. None of them seem to realize this. If you ask them, not a thing has changed, and no time has passed. They're all still very normal, very human, and very excited to meet you. 

(Very slowly filling out the profiles of the characters in here when the inspiration hits me. Their purpose is to not make sense and allow me to just let go and have fun, cool designs i've nabbed over the years finally getting a use. there might be.. a smidgen of lore forming)
(!! x marks an undisclosed number in ages. found out some people thought some characters were muuuch younger than they are lol. i just started doing it and.. kept doing it. maybe the characters dont want you to know. maybe they dont remember.)