Titheling's Profile Comments

Oooh I love how you did your Beloved folder. Is that a specific code or something you did yourself?

Okay there is wayyyy too much amazing art on this profile for me to even know where to start, but wow <3

Can you tell me who did your icon? <3

edit: also do you know where you got your profile code? I can't seem to find a credit but its so pretty owo

WOW your art and your characters are so nice!

:OOO I didn't know you liked the Tales series too aaaahhhhh! It's rare for me to come across other Tales fans, so I just wanted to drop by real quick and express how excited I was when I saw your ping asdfgjhkl;

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Thank you so much ;=; That really really means a lot - I don't usually post anything I do, incomplete or not, because I'm pretty unhappy with where my art is. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave the comment and tell me that (and I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner!!!)

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Thank you so much!! And you have some seriously unique characters -- I swooned over too many.

You've got so many amazing OCs, I periodically swing by to gawk at them with big time heart eyes.... Just thought you oughta know

Thank you so much that means a lot ;w; I love so many of your ocs and you keep putting up even more!!

I keep meaning to toss you a DM about VoM stuff :eyes:

I'm always down to chat about that!! 👀 You definitely should hmu

god i never commented that i love all of your ocs q q

;-; thank you!! That means a lot coming from you - I love so many of your monster bbs

your characters are so amazing!!

Such a late reply but thank you so much ;w;
You have some seriously wonderful characters yourself! So much variety!

This account is filled with awesome characters all full of awesome artworks! Thanks for the +follow and take one back <3

your art?? is so pretty??? im yelling ur a hecking art wizard

omg I missed this comment somehow - thank you so much ;-; I'm so bad at actually posting stuff with any frequency but it means a lot!! I went and creeped on your th - you have a super cute style yourself!!

aaaaa np!! ur art is lit af and >:'Oc tysm!! that means a lot coming from u ;w;

Thank you for love on my Cinnabar!!

Thank you for the sub!!! D: <3

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:o I'm sure you will
I was looking at your characters awhile back and you have some lovely bbs and interesting worlds!

thanks for the subscription. it's an honour! 

Aww thankie - and I am in love with so many of your demon babs and monster designs. You have some really interesting character concepts and information. I've really enjoyed going through them and dang some of your gore art is very A+++

aah thank you so much! <3 it means a lot to hear it! 

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I'd def be up for that - your furries in particular are absolutely adorable! If you have Discord I can shoot you my username or you're welcome to toss a DM my direction here!

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Your aesthetic is the bomb dot com, my friend.

aww thank you! You too - I love so many of your babs. So many pretty pastels!

Thank you very much for the sub~! :>

the latest response but thank you as well! you have so many gorgeous characters - I love your monsters and more uniquely designed (and muscular ovo) characters!!

D'awww, thank you so much~ I hope you'll continue to enjoy my future designs ^^


the latest hello back o7

hru bud?

late reply but Happy New Years! Hope it's treating you well so far!

Real dead lol new year hit with a bang and hit damn hard. hope it's treating your well tho!

AFJDCKX SORRY FOR ALL THE FAVES You have so many gorgeous charas ; _ ;

The latest response but no problem at all - and thank you ;-; they're all very dear to me! You have some seriously gorgeous characters as well :O

AH and thank you for the sub!!  ; w ; /

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Thank you for the Fav on Plague. <3

he's an adorable bab what a good (and super interstiong :o) birb


Thank you! I think you just made Plague blush. X3

thanks for the sub ~