Toastydew's Profile Comments

Heya! Long time no see


your art is really cool, if you are interested, could we possibly do a design trade 

(if you dont remember me, I think i used to go by the username "Mircophone")

Omg hi!! It’s been a while since we talked! ^^
though, as of right now, I don’t think I would be able to do a design trade. Exams are coming up and I’m kind of failing a few classes. So I’m somewhat busy rn. Though, maybe some other time. Btw, is there another way I can keep in contact? I’m not usually on Toy House that often. I’m usually on Discord. If you’d like to add me, my user is [Redacted] !

I completely understand, my math grade is not doin so well-

Also I will add you when I get the time, I'm trying to be healthy and get sleep for once-

Ew stinky

Eww smelly

Hi!! UwU

Hayo! ^^