[test folder]

A Desert Wanderer

Clover Silovas

Clover is a rather easy going and hard working guy who loves his dragons as if they were hid children. He's not above disciplining them and teaching them right from wrong, and even understands when they are being butts. But if you wrongfully go after his dragons you'll face a hellfire from a angry cat dad.

Background Information


Shear Rebellion


Dragon Master
- Adventurer III
- Rancher III
- Trainer I

Adventuring Dragons

These dragons are the one use for any sort of adventures. 

  • Kasar – A flirty male who is all fun and games. Still young at heart, he loves making friends and sun bathing.
                Size: 5 feet tall

  • King – A very possessive but curious noodle who claims things as his.
                Size: 3 or 4 feet long

  • Kiwi – A lazy little cat nugget that likes to spend her time napping. Also ADORES praise.
                Size: Hen/Kiwi bird sized

  • Kloud – A super sweet and super loving puppy who sings and is always cheery in his everyday life. He also floats through the air despite his lack of wings
  •             Size: 10 inches tall and long

  • Kross – A over dramatic and vain, but as long as you tell him he looks nice all is well. He loves to impress others.
                Size: 3 feet tall

Other Dragons

Other dragons that Clover has, who are equally as loved but don't usually get used for adventures.

  • Aster – A louder, stubborn, and hard headed male who gets screechy and huffy easily. Likes making chaos.
                Size: ~30 feet long w/ 40 foot wingspan

  • Beloved – A sweet girl who is spoiled to no end by her pair of riders. She's soft spoken and well behaved, not letting the attention go to her head.
                Size: ~25 feet long (including tail), 50 foot wingspan

  • Mouna – Young at heart, she very much is vocal and packed full of energy and curiosity. nyah.
                Size: 4 month old kitten

  • Remos – Cheerful and curious, he likes making friends while exploring. Loves to be affectionate and charming.
                Size: 3 and 4 inches in length

  • Ziva – A sweet and caring dam who loves to sing and explore. Very motherly and just wants to love on things
                Size: T-Rex

single no closed species male female warpa taken human chrono ML Link ml link patreon kemonomimi dragon ikon demon medium-ship nessy anthro Qasha