

My humanoid characters, including characters from original worlds (mainly created by friends), Fandom OCs, and other various humanoids. These can range from totally human characters to elves, humanoid robots, etc. These are some of my most loved and most used characters, most of them are designed by good friends of mine since I'm not much of a human artist!

Humans Fantasy Sci-Fi Unique Worlds/Lore


My dragon characters! Some of them belong to worlds, but most are just random characters that I love. Some were designed by me, but most were designed by other people. These fantastical beasts are very diverse in appearance, and are treasured by me for just how unique each one is. Explore the lore and details of my dragons and enjoy!

Dragons Fantasy Worlds Diverse


My equine characters! This of course includes normal horses, but also pegasi, unicorns, alicorns, kelpies, kirin, and also my My Little Pony characters! Each one is beautiful and unique and probably the category that has the most designs that I did myself other than perhaps canines. I'm very proud of my equine characters, and will always be a bit of a horse girl at heart.

Equines Fantasy My Little Pony Realistic


My canine characters! I'm a big fan of all canines in real life: dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. This is where you can find any characters that would fit into that category. A lot of these characters were used or created for roleplays on FeralHeart, and therefore belong to originial worlds. A lot of them were designed by me, but a good chunk were designed by friends as well!

Canines Fantasy Semi-Realistic Unique


My feline characters! These characters range from large and in charge (big cats such as lions) to small and cute (house cats). I have a full sub-folder for my Warrior Cats characters, who honestly make up a majority of this category. All of my Warriors OCs were designed by me, and I am very proud of them! Most of the other felines weren't designed by me, but by talented artists!

Felines Realistic Semi-Realistic Fantasy

Other Species

This folder is for anything that doesn't fit snuggly into one of the other folders. I have sub-folders for Open Species, Closed Species, my Fursonas, and Anthro Characters! It's here that you can find my widest variety of character types, and there's a lot to explore! Almost every character in this category was designed by someone other than myself, but there are a rare few that are designed by me.

Fursonas Open Species Closed Species Anthro Characters

HTML by Pinky

canine Quilldog other characters supervillain fursona glow wolf superhero art xil Male reptile hybrid wolfhorse kimbeon Carvial edgehound esk Feral db equine