




Ein großes Reich, von einem Gebirge durchzogen

Felder, Wälder und Flüsse


Mäßiges Klima

Ausgeglichene vier Jahreszeiten

"Stärke durch Fleiß."

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Praesent aliquam aliquet ligula at porta. Suspendisse viverra velit nibh, at tristique lectus sollicitudin id. Donec pulvinar, dolor eu interdum mattis, dui augue dignissim eros, sed consequat tellus odio sit amet erat. Suspendisse sed est interdum, eleifend lectus et, imperdiet enim. Praesent tincidunt ornare lorem vel ornare. Proin vel feugiat velit. Morbi posuere libero dolor, sit amet fringilla massa venenatis vel. Etiam vehicula pellentesque leo vitae gravida.

Phasellus semper non tellus eget tempus. Curabitur aliquam tincidunt sapien sit amet dapibus. Integer tincidunt faucibus dictum. Donec orci nisl, pulvinar quis tempor nec, faucibus sit amet mi. Sed et orci vel diam ullamcorper pellentesque nec sagittis nisi. Fusce ac pretium elit. Nullam hendrerit augue non felis egestas, in bibendum nunc commodo. Cras sit amet pharetra velit. Ut id ornare sapien. Duis a massa at elit pharetra feugiat sit amet et massa.

Just like every other kingdom in Docordis, Verdanon is ruled by a porcelaine Doll. However, king Andrei does not perform this task on his own. His large family of adopted siblings aids him as a council, with their ruling weighting just as much as the kings word.

Verdanon's culture is strongly tied to its agriculture and celebrated through festivals and holidays that reflect the importance of their fertile land. The Harvest Festival is the most significant festival in Verdanon and includes traditional activities such as music, dancing, and feasting. Verdanon's government recognizes the importance of these festivals and actively supports them as a way of preserving the country's cultural heritage.

Verdanon's economy specializes in agriculture and trading rare plants, that only grow within the capitals city walls. One of these plants is highly valued and strictly protected, making it an essential part of Verdanon's economy. The country also exports high-quality fruits, vegetables, and textiles to neighboring countries, contributing to its success in the global market. The government and people of Verdanon are committed to maintaining its quality and value.

The daily life in Verdanon revolves around agriculture, with many of its inhabitants working in the fields. The capital city has a bustling marketplace where locals sell their goods, and a public bathhouse where people gather to relax and socialize. Despite its emphasis on agriculture, Verdanon has a vibrant city life that centers around its marketplace and public bathhouse.


Festung von Farún

Verdanon's castle is magical. Its rooms, each representing the occupant, are created by Andrei and can be expanded at will.


Verdanon's bustling marketplace offers a variety of goods and locally grown produce for sale.


Verdanon's bustling marketplace offers a variety of goods and locally grown produce for sale.



KÖNIG VON FARÚN. Cras enim ex, suscipit in quam at, semper pulvinar sem. Sed consectetur ultrices neque, ut tempor lectus efficitur molestie.


BERATER. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


KÖNIGIN VON FARÚN. Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.


GENERAL UND BERATER. Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.


TÄNZERIN. Cras enim ex, suscipit in quam at, semper pulvinar sem. Sed consectetur ultrices neque, ut tempor lectus efficitur molestie.


WÄCHTERIN DES SEEROSENSEES. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


ZOFE. Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.

Code by Aurorean

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