ToxInfinity's Profile Comments

I really like Ushi, Mystic, Sam and Ryder.

aa~ ryder is a pending transfer, but the other three are open! what kind of art will you be offering for the others? :>

Well, what would you request? I can do basically anything.


aa idk how much you'd be willing to do for each babe, i dont want to overdo it ; A ; orz

for sam i dont require anything, if you'd like i can transfer him over now

for ushi maybe a romantic cheeb of these gaybirbs (note, not actually birbs)

and for mystic maybe a romantic cheeb of these fatsos (note, not actually fat)

just tell me if you'd like me to send sam over now ;>

Go ahead and send Sammie over! And of course I can do that! Idk when I'll get them done but I'll do it! :3