♡ Venus and Mars ♡

♡ Venus and Mars ♡

♡Venus And Mars

Reach for the stars Venus and Mars are alright tonight


Macca and Leah are two lovebirds touring the USA, for Maccas music or Leah's discoteque obsession? We dont really know!! Filled with music, love, a whole lot of dancing!!

Based in the 1970s.

Party goer

Leah Lioness

'It's called a discotheque. You want to try?!' 'Oh! That was a marvelous rock-n-roll party.' Leah is always up for a party! As a young girl she was a countrysinger, under management. But now she wants to be free, and who's better to be free with than Macca?! On the road again,,
Bug Boy

Macca 'It’s just a different style of singing, and she likes It. And I must admit, I do, it’s very romantic'

He is popular and enjoys spending time socializing, especially on stage. Open and warm, he comes into his own when he's with friends and family.
Teen Idol

Ollie Nelson Ollie is a wonderful, quiet, rabbit and sorta on the shy side. But he was the type of boy that once you got to know him, you understood more about his personality. If you met him for the first time, your impression would be, 'Boy, this guy is really quiet and shy'!


Didier Paul Francis is a sly manager for Leah and Ollie, driving them away and working them to their bones. Although he did care, he dug Ollie an early grave, during one of his many tours.

The King

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