Shield Spring

Before Shield Spring was a town on the map, the knowledge of the Ice Flow dungeon was sparse. The Dungeon known for its higher difficulty, terrible strong Guardians, and ever changing upper floors, it was an monster of a dungeon. However the Dungeon was also known for it’s mercy as there was no record of anyone getting lost in the dungeon, Explorer teams who would fall to the dangers within would find themselves outside the dungeon after a party wipe.  It was yet another tally on the strangeness of the dungeon even among other mystery dungeons.

Yet it wasn’t until the small town that would grow to become Shield Spring that the Ice Flows Dungeons deeper secrets would be discovered. It would all start when the explorer team Guardian would visit the fledgling town, looking to challenge the dungeon looking for a rare healing item rumored to be found in the dungeon.  The Explorer team punching through the dungeons upper floors only to discover that there was lower levels of the dungeon.  Even Stranger was the legendary Pokémon awaiting them.

The conversation that followed is unknown. It’s not one the explorer team chooses to share, Yet it is what lead them to retire and settle down into the growing town. A sort of truce was formed with the dungeons Guardians. The town would limit the number of challengers to the dungeon, and the guardians would allow explorer team approved by the town to train and challenge the dungeon to get stronger. Access to the dungeons lowers floor highly restricted for the privacy of the lower guardian. Rocco ending up as the town Mayor and Guild leader, Letta becoming the town’s bank, the two power houses helping  the down development and even bringing more strong pokes to the town.

This was the humble start of Shield Spring, and the start of the legendary Ice Flow Dungeon.