
1 year, 6 months ago





Explorer team (Guardian) 

Status Float

core moves

Cross Posion
Flare Blitz
Drain Punch
Dragon Pulse

Caza has no memory of her life before the evolution splicing lab, and would rather not remember her time there.  She only wishes to look towards the future with her new parents Rocco and Letta. As well as the many new and helpful pokes around Shield Spring. Luckily her time in the lab did not break her spirit even if it did rob her of her voice. Caza is mute, luckily being part Riolu she been able to learn to communicate somewhat with her aura.

Rescued by Rocco and Letta, Caza soon joined the pair as their adopted child. The two looking after her and teaching her how to survive in the real world, it took time but Caza was able to quickly adapt. She quickly fell in love with the lessons of preparation Letta showed her, the idea of being helpful by having what other needed was wonderful to Caza. It was almost like a game, reading up on the possible threats of a mission and making sure to have the right things to overcome problems.  It might also be a bit of draconic hoarding instinct as well as Caza soon developed a habit of picking up anything she finds interesting, it was only natural she would be in charge of the town item bank once the group settled down. Not that the change of explorer team to Guiled leaders really changed Caza antics.

She might be the Item bank manager but Caza is not one to be locked behind a desk like Rocco, or sleep all the time like Letta. Caza has employed Sneaker to cover the bank when she goes out on her own collection missions the poke easily bribed with the extra food items Caza can get ahold of by being on good terms with Ginger. Caza is still part of Rocco explorer Team Guardian, but were Rocco and Letta are on standby, Caza’s is a float explorer. This allows Caza to still take on missions, and tag along with other explorer teams. This is something she likes to do often, helping newer teams learn the dangers of explorer, and the important of proper planning. Being personally trained by Rocco, as well as with the lucario tri of the ice flow dungeon, Caza is beyond a skilled fighter. Specialized in hand to hand caza strikes fast and hard targeting an enemies pressure points and joints with brutal efficiency. Though still learning she is capable of using her salazzle poison to distract and disrupt an opponent concentration, with time it might grow to be completely will shattering, though this is unlikely as Caza has a dis like for faction of her own power, as well as her natural corrosion ability, often carrying Pecha berries to cure the poison she occasionally cause son others. This is an issues she is working very hard to control with the help of Mauve and Chad.

Most often content with being a help around town Caza will also jump to the aid of anyone that asks, much like her father. And not one to jump to conclusion, but instead get as much info as she can on other, like her mother. This lead her to became especially close friends with Dwarp, this friendship leading to her gaining a personal back pack linked to a sub section of the distortion world. Greatly increasing Caza ability to both collect item on trips and ensure the safety of team members on missions, more than once needing to carry her weakened team mates in her bag as she dealt with the unseen dangers of a mission. She prides herself on having a zero casualty mission record.

For how rough caza early life was, with her new family and friends there are only great times in her future.