Arcane acres

Arcane acres 

The Arcane Acres is the name of the fast forest that covers the majority of the realm. The large lush forest so large and unbreakable that is actual homes different regions of trees and weather. In the north leading into the Frozen fangs the forest is made up of large strong evergreens. As it spreads across the realms center is thins out to oak maples and other such trees of seasonal forest that see all seasons. And as it nears the far reaches in the east and south the forest does thin into more hearty trees of dark oak and other tree more used to surviving in the harsh conditions of that of the corrupted foot hills.   

The size of the Forest lends it to the house many of the smaller towns and cities of the general public. It also houses a few important locations of the realm that are not stationed in the capital city.  Three of the most important being the watches summer training camp where new recruits are taken for training and practices to sharpen their skills.  There is also the temple of truth the more magical sub branch of the watch where any magical inclined member is bound to go for training. It also is the main magical school for nay seeking to advance there magical understanding. The last more known location is the glade of mist a sacred glade of willows with a spring of water said to have important curing properties as well as the magic to the dream plane. there is also a good number of Q tec plants and company operations settled in the forest giving jobs to many of those that would rather not hunt and harvest for coin.

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