
Dungeons are dangerous locations, centers of power, and a weak point in the fabric of dimensions. Most stable dungeons have a Guardians, powerful Pokémon who watch and monitor the dungeon. Their main jobs are to control the growing aura that collects in the dungeon, creating the shadows intruders must fight as well as the many loose items found among the floors. This is a very important job, if the aura is left to collect the Dungeon risks becoming corrupt, spiraling out of control, or worse case collapsing and creating a desolate area of life around it. A Guardian must make their dungeon welcoming enough for adventures to risk entering. To fight the shadows and collect item, yet tough enough that they can still protect themselves and the dungeons core. For unknown to most the position of Guardian is one any poke can earn if they show they are strong enough to completely defeat the current Guardian of a Dungeon. This of Course has led to change of management and problems. 

The guardians of most dungeons would rather not fight explorer teams directly, content to just keep their dungeons stable. However there are some Guardians that might go corrupt with power, their dungeons not able to disperse the building aura. There are also malicious Pokémon who gun to become Guardians themselves to gain the unimaginable power the position comes with. In these cases Dungeons are flagged as high priority targets for explorer teams, to either go and confront the corrupting dungeon or defeat the newly made Guardian to limit the possible damage. In the Worse Case scenario where a dungeon is not recoverable, or the new Guardian is to driven by power, there is only one way to safely collapse a dungeon. The dungeons core must be removed from the dungeon, this will not only safety seal the dungeons aura but any and all things currently in the dungeon. It is a last resort through the chaos of an already corrupted dungeon as most often only the one caring the core escapes.

One the other side of things  some dungeons may get targeted to much by malicious Pokémon as the dungeon might be a good source of an exclusive item, or house an important land mark. In these cases a dungeon can be placed under a guilds direct protection. The guild helps controls who can enter the dungeon adding extra protection outside the dungeon. In return the guardian of the dungeon allows the guild to train in the dungeon, and take item that may generate. This helps the Dungeon aura stay stable, reduce malicious intruders, and supplies the guild with a relatively safe place to train and item income. Most Cases the Guardian has made strict depends to not be bothered on the dungeons lower levels.

There are a good few Dungeons under suck protection, and yet even more that are recorded but well known to be both dangerous and rewarding to those that risk themselves. 

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