The Council

The Council is Hell's government system, including police force, judicial system, and much much more. They do everything they can to keep laws in place to make Hell a safe and inviting place.

I made my first Council member, Driac, back in 2015/2016 and have slowly been gathering up a crew of members ever since. Just because someone is in here, doesn't necessarily mean they are a Council member, they could be a prisoner or an experiment. (I want to add that the codes I use for any profile right now aren't permanent, I'm trying to design a layout for a code that reflects what I believe their PDAs look like and use that + tabs for everything I feel should be on a profile. I don't have enough coding experience so when I get some money I'm hoping to commission someone to make it based off of my design. Prisoners and experiments will get their own special codes too, still with the PDA format but more like a criminal database page for them.)