Tsokatani's Profile Comments

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Thank you so much for the art! It's absolutely lovely, my jaws were dropped to the floor when the image transfer came!       

aww haha i'm so happy you like it!! <3

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heheh thank you! ^^ i'm very happy you like it!

Wanted to say thanks for the awesome headshot of Marco!! for his first art piece it's amazing 😤🙏

heheh yw!! :D

Thank you so much for your awesome art! <3 <3

yw!! <3

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yw!! i'm so glad you like it! kennan was very fun to draw ^^

Omg you're art is so pretty aaaaa ~

If you're ever open for icon trades or something, could you please let me know? (。ノω\。)

Definitely subbing to you! You're so cool!!

thank you so much!! ^^ <3 that really means a lot to me aaahh

i will definitely let you know when i am available to trade!! your art is awesome and i am very much interested in trading with you ^^

TYSM for the art of Wrench!! :O I can't believe you made that in MS paint It looks amazing!

haha you are very much welcome :D i'm so happy you like it! there was a LOT of paint bucketing and redrawing things but i got the hang of it! ^^