Turkish's Profile Comments

Hiya! Not sure if you're still active, but I was wondering if ya do pings maybe πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

Yeah, for sure! Which characters do you want pings for? ^^

Them please? Shrimp OCs are my weakness (plus it's my friend's design)^^


Ah, they're already pending in a trade unfortunately 😭 but i can ping you if the trade falls through! 

Oh okay, yes please, in case if it won't work out I'll be happy to offer money, trades or arts πŸ’”

Hiya! I'm sorry for bothering ya again, but I was wondering if they're still pending in trade πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

damn r u tΓΌrk?

Heyo! So sorry to bother but I saw these bbys are all eo(by folder descriptions) and I wanna try and offer^^

Anyone in my th interest you?

Main sonas is off limits and tent on the regular sonas tag. Kitty custom is also off limits as well as co owned ^^






