Super Galaxy AU

Set during the events of Super Mario Odyssey, this Galaxy AU story follows a gaggle of characters both new and old as they deal with a separate threat endangering the universe. Rosalina seeks aid from heroes of other planets to protect the galaxy from the new threat that is Queen Celeste.

Heroes stationed at the Comet Observatory:
Princess Rosalina, guardian of the cosmos and ruler of the Comet Observatory.
Geno, agent of Rosalina that aids in keeping the peace of the cosmos.
Raxym, interstellar dragon that was staying at the Comet Observatory as an advisor, yet got stuck there during the attack and has stayed to help protect the universe, and has grown quite close with Rosalina.
Luigi, heroic plumber who has taken in interest in tinkering with machines. While his brother was occupied with other matters, Luigi has stepped up to help using his Thunderhand and new engineering talents.
R.O.B., a broken scrap heap that was drifting through space and has been taken into the Comet Observatory. Repaired by Luigi and a resident Gearmo of the Observatory, R.O.B. became a strong ally and defender.

Villains attacking the cosmos:
Queen Celeste, an entity who believes herself to the rightful ruler of all galaxies. She has amassed a great army to try and conquer the worlds, only being held at bay by the forces of the Comet Observatory.
Alya, an exiled draconic warrior from the same race as Raxym, she has taken her place as Queen Celeste's right hand woman and wife, aiding her with her might.
Cosmic Gobblegut, an angry draconic wyrm seeking revenge. Alya has taken him in as her pet.
Elder Princess Shroob, the ruler of a thought to be forgotten race that wishes to rise to power once more.