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ScarletttCake and UWUNlCORN's Universe Directory

Space Jam

From a remote science station controlled by Alabastris Empire breaks out an experiment, veteran soldier colonel Spencer T. Ryder. He takes hostage one of the head scientists, Alexander Hyde and runs away with him. Soon they discover that they need to join forces not only with each other but also with an energetic freelance mechanic from a junkyard planet, an old model of a Personal Android Companion, a mercenary from a planet destroyed by the Empire, young Alabastrian soldier and daredevil space racer to uncover a huge government conspiracy and find out who is behind the murder of Alexander's daughter.


Spencer T. Ryder

39 . male . veteran soldier

A veteran soldier born in Alabastris Empire. During the Coitihian war, Spencer lost both his legs and arms in a space ship crash and was left without any financial support. Desperate and depressed he agreed to take part in an experiment to get his limbs back. He ended up with a Coithian parasite injected into his body and ran away from the facility.

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Alexander Hyde

40 . male . surgeon, ex-scientist

Alex is an Alabastrian scientist who started working on a secret government project to create super soldiers with the use of the Coithian parasite found during the war. Alex wants to grow in ranks to find the truth about his daughter's death but his plans go to hell when one of the subjects breaks out and runs away from the facility, taking him along.

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Patricia Thompson

20 . female . mechanic

A war orphan working as a freelance mechanic. Alex and Spencer take her on their ship when she’s escaping a bunch of thugs. She helps them fix and upgrade the ship and after the battle with Alabastris joins the Revolutionaries for some time.

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6 . robot . Personal Android Companion

P.A.C. is an older model of very popular Personal Android Companion, a robot build to keep people company, help them out in everyday life and do simple chores for them. His previous owner abandoned him on a junkyard and P.A.C. waited for him for six months before his battery ran out. They were found by Pat and Spencer on a stall with old stuff found on junkyards and rescued.

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Edvin Godrick

22 . male . strategist

Edvin is a young Alabastrian soldier, son to a high-ranked military officer, major Godrick. He followed Spencer and Alex on his own to capture them, bring to Alabastris and finally be acknowledged by his father, however, he ended up staying on the ship and joining the crew when he realized family doesn’t always end or even begin with blood.

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45 . male . mercenary

Hogan is a Coithian mercenary that had been hired by Sophie to keep an eye on the guys who'd tricked her into attacking an Alabastrian ship. After getting hurt while escaping Alabastrian military, Spencer took him abroad the ship, resulting in Hogan joining the crew.

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18 . male . ex-star racer, pilot

Sorren is a young Coith Particia met on a small planet that was hosting star races. She made a bet with him that if he wins his next race, he will be able to join the crew and leave the planet together with them. Sorren won the bet and Pat had to fulfill her promise of taking him along.

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Ariana Valente

51 . female . leader of the revolutionaries

Ariana is a daughter of the previous Alabastrian general, who after her wife and child died, discovered that Alabastris had been staging incidents to initiate wars when they were running low on some resources. Ariana ran away from the Empire and started the movement known across space as the revolutionaries or the resistance to help both Alabastrians and other people in need.

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Conrad Hall

33 . male . Ariana's right hand, later leader of the revolutionaries

Conrad was the son of an influential Alabastrian family that produced weapons. Instead of taking over his father's company, however, he decided to join the military and become a soldier. During one of his missions, the ship he was on crashed and he almost died. He was saved by the revolutionaries crew and after learning the truth about the Empire, he decided to stay and aid the resistance with their fight for good.

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Jack Hall

21 . male . pilot

Jack is Conrad's younger brother who'd never believed that his brother lost his life during the accident. After finishing the piloting school, he took his ship and set out for a journey to find his brother. He was quickly found and taken in by a crew of space pirates who after learning that he's Conrad's brother, delivered him to the revolutionaries where he then stayed.

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Erik Halflinger

36 . male . colonel in Alabastrian military

A young, promising colonel in Alabastrian military. Deeply believes in justice and doing the right thing. Befriended Alex during his time serving as a scientist and helped him to find information about his daughter's death. When Alex and Spencer decided to take down the current general with the Revolutionaries, he fought on their side.

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Marcus Fletcher

36 . male . liutenant in Alabastrian military

Marcus' right hand and childhood friend. A flirty, laid-back man with many friends at the red light district. Always takes Erik's side and supports him as much as possible, unless he's making bad decisions.

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Hariett Vane

45 . female . major in Alabastrian military

Spencer's childhood friend and the reason he joined the military. Hariett tried to support him after he'd lost his legs but blinded by grief and anger, Spencer pushed her away. To defeat the current Alabastris general he had to reach out and ask for her help again, which she decided to provide. She became the new Alabastrian general.

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Nathan Blackburn

26 . male . Alabastrian supersoldier, later Conrad's right hand

A survivor from the massacre of a planet called Eltharia, rescued by Alabastrian forces and adopted by the old general. Nathan went through a series of experiments enhancing his physical abilities to become the most efficient soldier and after the experiment on Spencer was a success, he was injected with the Coithian parasite as well and sent to battle Spencer. After the old general was killed, Nathan joined the Revolutionaries, seeking a new meaning to his life. .

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Leander Lowell

19 . male . member of the revolutionaries

And ex-space racer and Sorren's old rival. They met again during a mission when Lea was escaping some slavers and the Revolutionaries took him under their protection until he can gather resources to move out to the Union's territory. In the end, he decided to stay and help them with hunting slave sellers.

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Mikael Kingsford

40 . male . revolutionaries stealth operative

Mikael is a son of a royal family that had been overthrown by a rebellion. He, his brother and his father were tortured. When one day someone helped them escape, Mika was trapped under a pile of rubble and left behind. He was adopted by a Union officer and when he grew up he joined the Galactical Police Force. He reunited with his brother, trying to bring him to justice but was discovered and shot. The Revolutionaries rescued him and he decided that with them he will do more good than in the Union.

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Elijah Kingsford

42 . male . head of the Kingsford family

Mikael's older brother who managed to run away from their planet along with his father. The man who'd freed them was involved in weapon trade and wanted to raise the young prince to be the head of the family under the condition that he can kill his father. Elijah did that, blaming the old king for their fall and afraid that he will be punished for letting him live. Now Elijah, known as "The Serpent" is the head of Kingsford family, one of the biggest weapon traders on the black market.

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Oliver Kingsford

23 . male . Elijah's right hand

Oliver is a survivor from a destroyed planed called Eltharia. He was taken in by Kingsford family after he attacked Mikael, who was there undercover at the time. After Mikael was found out and shot, Oliver swore that he will kill Elijah at some point in revenge. He's sticking around to make his life as miserable as possible but he's good at what he's doing and cares about the family's success.

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Joshua Reed

23 . male . mercenary

A young mercenary born in a poor family. His father was taken away because of his debts when he was still a child so he had to work to help his mother feed them. When she married a man who could provide a more stable life, Joshua, driven by his father's stories about space travel embarked on one along with his best friend Deimos.

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Deimos Stenson

23 . male . mercenary

Deimos is the son of an ex-spy and a gang leader who left him and his mother after his mission went south and he had to hide. When he returned, he took Deimos under his wing and he grew up with the gang members. Deimos, however, he hates his father so he took the first opportunity to flee with his best friend, Joshua and become a mercenary in space.

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Isaac Vinetti

46 . male . leader of the Vinetti family

Isaac is an ex-slave who after being freed, rose to power and became a powerful and influential mafia boss known as "The Conqueror". He has a few planets of his own and even more under his protection. He still hates slavers and slave owners and hunts them down in secret.

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20 . male . bounty hunter

When Aaron was younger, he was freed from slavery by Isaac and as he had no place to go back to, he decided to stick around. Despite not being so fond of the idea at first, with time Isaac started to care about the boy and treating him as his son. Now Aaron is a bounty hunter causing trouble for Isaac around the Galaxy.

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Robert Stenson

38 . male . gang leader

An ex-spy of the Union. After coming back from a long mission, he found out that his wife died, leaving his son, Deimos, alone and the Union had never informed him of her state. He left his profession, changed his identity and now is an information broker and gang leader with a few planets under his protection. Tries his best to make sure no harm will ever come to his son.

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28 . male . member of Robert's gang

Robert's right hand and most loyal follower. He has a kind older brother aura around him and always tries to resolve conflict in a peaceful way but he doesn't hesitate to shoot anyone who puts people he considers family in danger.

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Jude West

25 . male . hacker in Robert's gang

A young, talented hacker in Robert's gang. Jude is a bit shy and awkward around people and he prefers working with computers so Vincent makes sure he can feel at peace when he's working. Had a huge crush on Deimos and considers him an inspiration.

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58 (around 30 in human years) . male . Interplanetary Police Officer

An Orvonin police officer who joined the force to find the person who'd killed his father. His investigation led him to a young cyborg girl that was a part of a criminal organization his boss was hunting. He took her in and now is solving crimes with his small team.

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Cythes Ardent

20 . female . sniper

A former assassin working for the organization. Seeing that she was just a kid forced into killing people, Azryn decided to take her in and let her choose her own path when she grows up. To his displeasure, she chose to continue work as a sniper and now is a part of his small team.

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Rayla Andrews

42 . female . chief of the Interplanetary Police

As a young girl, Rayla set out with her girlfriend Miranda on a crime spree, Bonnie and Clyde style. But when a person died because of their actions, she got scared and wanted to change her ways. The current chief of the police saw her intention and let her train under her eye until she became a proper policewoman with a strong set of morals and will to bring Miranda and her organization down.

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41 . female . leader of a criminal organization

When Rayla chose to abandon her during their robbery spree, Miranda managed to break out of the arrest and haven't been caught since. Fueled by anger about her lover's betrayal, she grew in power and currently is the leader of one of the most influential criminal organizations. She's still looking for a way to bring Rayla down and take her revenge.

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Silas Abersworth

38 . male . bounty hunter

An ex-Union soldier who after his team got stranded on an uninhabited jungle planet and saved only after most of them were dead or went insane decided to leave and become a bounty hunter. He's working solo but he always keeps an eye on the younger hunters that don't have as much experience to make sure no one tries to exploit them.

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22 . male . bounty hunter

An ex-space racer who'd left the planet before Lea and Sorren. During his time away, someone he trusted betrayed him, causing him to grow bitter and distrustful. He's working solo and avoiding any close personal relationships, hiding his issues under a layer of rude remarks and jokes.

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Abel Kaplan

28 . male . zoologist and botanist

Abel was a promising medical student when he had a lab incident during which spores of a rare plant got into his lungs. As the plants grow influenced by oxygen, Abel needs to wear a mask that pumps a different breathable gas into his lungs. After recovering, he decided to drop his studies and focus on the topic that was more interesting as alien species of flora and fauna.

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Monstervania is a place where the barrier between dimensions is very thin. For years creatures from different dimensions who have been unlucky to stumble upon a tear in the barrier have been appearing there, creating a community and as a result, a huge city. Today the connections with most accessible dimensions are stable and it's possible to travel between them. The city is filled with creatures from neighboring dimensions and their offspring. Due to such diversity in organisms inhabiting the city, a lot of trouble can be expected.


Cornel "Core" Corazon

35 . male . police officer

The Head of the Monstervanian Multidimensional Crime Division. Loves to boss his rookies around but would also protect them with his life. He used to be a member of a gang but was taken in by Jake's aunt. After her death decided to find the culprit at all costs.

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28 . male . informant

One of Monstervania's best informants. Sassy, seemingly careless guy with a dark past. His healing factor allows him to survive the most dangerous injuries, which is why he usually puts himself in harm's way to protect others. He's Morgan's adopted son.

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Jake Cunnigan

20 . male . rookie police officer

A rookie police officer in the Multidimensional Crime Division. He's boss' nephew, which is why Core feels responsible for him. He's rather impulsive and often acts without thinking. Besides that, he's energetic and positive, always ready for action. Also a huge nerd.

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Rookie Cutton

23 . male . secretary

Rookie came to Monstervania from another dimension to study medicine in college. The workload and pressure proved too hard to him, however, and he got kicked out. Now works in the MMCD as a secretary. Is rather awkward and shy but he got befriended by Jake anyway.

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Mylo Pstrovsky

22 . male . rookie police officer

A rookie police officer in Monstervanian Crime Division, Jake's hated rival. Often picks on him because of his sexuality. He is deeply closeted because of his extremely homophobic father. The Head of MCD, Gladys, took him under her wing and decided to teach him some manners.

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Ritch Valentino

21 . male . barista/barman

Jake's best friend. He acts like a huge flirt and playboy and dresses according to the greaser aesthetic. In fact, however, he's a soft-hearted guy. Often can't hang out with the others because he works two jobs to earn a living for himself and for his good-for-nothing brother.

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Buck Carrell

26 . male . game shop owner

The oldest of Jake's friend group. Buck owns a shop with board and card games, which is why he has always some boosters ready for his friends. He's reliable and always willing to help. Due to being a gargoyle, can't move around freely on sunny days. Has a huge crush on Julian.

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Julian Einsworth

25 . male . baking youtuber, beginner fashion designer

A son of a rich family and another part of Jake's friend group. His hobbies include games but also fashion, cooking, and theatre. Loves designer clothes and cares a lot about his looks. He's also Rookie's gossip buddy. Is a mom friend of the group, always willing to listen and offer advice.

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37 . female . police officer

The captain of a precinct of Monstervanian Crime Division. She's an ambitious, mature woman and Core's greatest rival. Although her fellow officers are kind of afraid of her, she takes good care of rookies, making sure they are good cops and decent people in the future.

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Jonathan Octavius

34 . male . company owner/celebrity

One of the Monstervanian "royals". He's trying to make his company go straight after his parents, who used to have ties in the underworld, died. He's rather spoiled and avoids opening up to people. Loves octopi and has a huge tank in his house. In free time he likes to read and write articles and reviews.

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unknown . male . bodyguard/killer for hire

A mysterious man who despite not looking like much is actually a dangerous hitman. In his coat, there's a flock of crows who observe the city and inform him what's going on. He feeds them the bodies of his victims to cover his tracks. In the meantime works as Jonathan Octavius' bodyguard.

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28 . male . royal

Another one of Monstervanian "royals". Jonathan's only actual friend between them. His parents died when he was young and he had to fight to keep his position. Loves riding horses and seducing older royals who can sponsor his company.

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20 . female . cello player


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Unknown . male . dimension traveler

A royal angel that happened to stumble across Monstervania during his travels across dimensions. After he met Morgan, the first other angel born in the dimension he came from there, he decided to stick around for long. He's proud and thinks himself better than the other creatures an people he meets.

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Miles Hudson

31 . male . police officer

Miles is a member of Monstervanian Interdimensional Crime Division. He works under core and honestly just wants to have a peaceful day and drink some coffee. Usually burdened with looking after the younger members of the team.

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27 . male . model, fashion designer

Julian's cousin who recently designed his first clothing line. Born in a wealthy family, he's selfish and tends to look down on others even if in the interviews he presents himself differently. Often makes fun of Julian's friends, especially Ritch.

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Tales of the Sea

One of the feared pirate captains, Tyler Duke loses a very important map in a game of cards. Soon after he learns that the map was pointing leading to the location of an ancient artifact that has the power to free an imprisoned goddess and that the man from the bar, Colt Hartford, is planning to free her. Tyler needs to ask one of the Sea Emperors for help, catch up with Colt and stop him before he frees the Goddess and all Eastern Sea gets consumed by chaos.


Tyler Duke

41 . male . captain of a pirate ship

A man who once had a dream but it got lost as he worked his way up to become the captain of one of the most feared crews on the Eastern Sea. Still is considered rather honorable for a pirate.

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William Blake

46 . male . royal pirate

A royal pirate, one of the most influential figures in the pirate world. Used to be a slave and climbed his way to the top. Has a base on an island protected by a dragon.

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Colt Hardford

immortal . male . servant of the Sea Godness

Promised to free the Goddess in exchange for returning the lives of his crew. He's sending people to death so she could turn them into her army now. The Goddess can see though his red eye. He's a little bitch.

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Alford Blythe

39 . male . captain of a Navy ship

A Navy captain that had the misfortune of being pulled into Colt's schemes. Colt tricked him a few times and now he just wants to lock him up. Is a very capable man with strong moral compass and good heart.

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Lawrence Denholm

23 . male . member of Tyler's crew

A member of Tyler's crew. Hates his captain for what he did to his first mate, whom he treated as a father. A rather problematic child.

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Theodore Roswell

39 . male . bounty hunter

A former Navy soldier sent to Tyler's ship undercover. After being discovered he was executed but managed to survive and run away. After that, he couldn't go back to the Navy since he'd failed his mission and decided to hunt pirates on his own.

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Characters in this universe are a part of the closed species Grow Your Own (growyourown on DA) by SauntProof.



19 . male . Baryonyx

Small and angry monster fighter in training. He used to live with his older brother when his parents died but moved out when he was old enough to go to school. He doesn't attend the local college but he still eats dinner in their cafeteria so he managed to make quite a few friends there. He's a nerd who loves strawberry pocky and comics.

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19 . male . Bush Viper

College student who hands out with the popular guys. Likes to pick fights with people he considers weaker than him because he thinks it lets him establish his position in his social circle. Constantly reminds everyone that he's not gay even though he's overly interested in pretty boys, especially Cane.

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21 . male . Red Riding Hood

Cane's older brother who took care of him after their parents died. He used to work at a diner to earn money to keep them afloat. There, he met Ricky, his current fiance. They have moved in together and currently Rouge is fulfilling his dream of finishing college.

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20 . male . Vintage Milkshake

A college drop-out who decided to leave his family behind and start working at a car workshop. He used to hang out with troublemakers and picking fights until he met Rouge, his current fiance. He wants to keep up his bad boy aesthetic but inside he's a sweet guy who dreams about starting a family with the person he loves,

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19 . male . Pumpkin

Cane's childhood friend. He's a huge nerd and loves cryptids and conspiracy theories. After finishing high school he chose to take a gap year and travel around discovering the world and looking for criptids. During his travels he met Keiran, a sole survivor from a village attacked by monsters and took him back to the city with himself.

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Character Name

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Universe Five Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla blandit ut quam non facilisis. Suspendisse vestibulum, ligula id accumsan condimentum, elit dolor facilisis nunc, ut congue mi turpis nec augue. Morbi maximus dui nec libero tristique, sed lobortis elit consectetur. Suspendisse velit tellus, eleifend et varius sed, tincidunt sed nulla. Nam ex nisi, dapibus sed est eget, elementum lacinia odio. Duis luctus elementum lacus, ut ultrices elit malesuada eget. Phasellus tincidunt tellus turpis, interdum commodo libero posuere eget.


Character Name

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Character Name

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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male nft anthro one-off humanoid female space jam cs monstervania gijinka pokemon trade uft nevu gyo bluc adopts dnd alien CS