oh no, a huge wip. agaiN-
here we go

.. and comfort and vent and such. Not much to say about them other than I love them a bit too much. The ocs I relate to the most and ones I care about a ton for various reasons.

Characters without a big enough world or a story to warrant a completely new folder.

Warrior cats, worlds heavily based on them and some RPGs. I have so many. I might have a slight problem even. I love them a lot though and nothing will stop me from acquiring more.

Ocs I may redesign or sell or whatever and adopts, feel free to offer.

A world dominated by anthro characters. Furries? Them!

A world full of adventure, magic, curses and cool stuff like that. Oh, and cats, obviously. Based on a past RPG of mine.

A cool story about girls who live in a city. Cool, right? They are dogs! A rare treat from me. Full of futuristic stuff and neon lights. And misery.

A story with many stars. I have nothing more to say. That's literally it.

More cats 'cause there can never be too many.

A story about a wolf and a sheep. I'm really proud of the title. Such a cool one from me. Lol.

Everyones gotta have a pirate story, right?? Right???

The same as the star story but with sun instead. Cool, right?

Pokémonnnn yeaaa

Super old ocs and stories are stored here yay. Have fun looking at them, 'cause most of them are indeed cringey and dumb (just like me).

dog feline canine male female cat