Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


It is very rainy

Just a few warnings about this profile before you continue : 3

While I am a child, I do have one or two characters that may work in the NSFW sexual industry or have mild sexual NSFW on their profile! (The most sexual NSFW you will see is making out or proper anatomy. Nothing further)

If you are uncomfortable with this please click off!! (None will be viewable to those who are underage), but I will never what so ever have full sexual NSFW (genetalia, sex, etc.) on my profile or with my characters. (And if you do draw my characters like that you will be banned and will pay for the bleach to wash my eyes with) This also includes if you send me sexual NSFW (idk why anyone would do that though)

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Some basic DNI stuff lol:

  • Basic DNI criteria like homophobia, transpobia, etc.
  • If you don't respect Neopronouns, they cool : 3
  • Are a zoophile and/or pedophile, or support them. I suggest seeking therapy/gen as it is NOT a normal thing you SHOULD feel.
  • If you steal art and claim it as your own, don't do that dude >: (

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Now some Warning!s:

My profile contains alot of moving images and full background gifs! Meaning there is a lot moving around. If you are prone to seizures or have any medical issues with strobing or bright/fasting moving imagery, please do NOT continue! You are more important!! Keep yourself safe please : )

Very Bright Colours

Flashing Lights

Fast moving imagery



Warnings will be put up for each character who needs one! These are just for the folders and profile lol : >

Thank you for Reading, please be safe!! : D


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