Usagiii's Bulletins

RP Comfort!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by Usagiii

♥♥ bold = Definitely | Preferred | Yes!

- bold = Possibly but please ask beforehand! | Okay!

- regular = No~ 


I am comfortable doing:

- Comment

- Chats

- Notes

- Forum

- Skype

- Google Docs


♥♥ Discord

** Feel free to ask me about more! **


I am comfortable with:

♥♥ One on one role plays.

- Up to three people.

- Up to four people.

- Five or more people!

- As big as possible!


I usually write about:

♥♥ One or two sentences.

♥♥ One or two paragraphs.

- Two to five paragraphs.

- More than five paragraphs.

- A few pages worth.

I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:

♥♥ One or two sentences.

♥♥ One or two paragraphs.

- Two to five paragraphs.

- More than five paragraphs.

- A few pages worth.

**Feel free to talk to me beforehand about what your comfortable with! I am willing to compromise and adapt!**


I usually reply:

♥♥ ASAP (within minutes) after my partner's post

♥♥ Within an hour

♥♥ Within the same day

♥♥ Within the same week

- Within the same month

- Longer than a month

- At random/variable times

I expect my partner to reply:

- ASAP (within minutes) after my partner's post

- Within an hour

- Within the same day

- Within the same week

- Within the same month

- Longer than a month

- At random/variable times

** Feel free to reply whenever you find time! But please make me aware of any changes ect! ;u; **


I like getting requests from:

- Anyone and everyone at any time

- When I ask for role-plays

♥♥ From friends and acquaintances

♥♥ From friends only


I am comfortable shipping my characters:

- Never.

- Our character know each other deeply.

♥♥ Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.

- At the first sign of flirting!

- Only if the role-player and I plan it.

- It depends on the character.

If you want to ship with my characters:

♥♥ Talk to me about it from the start.

- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.

- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.

- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.

** As I stated before if your interested in shipping our characters please just ask! I don't bite~ c: ** 


When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:

- Swift as lightening!

- Fast, but not super fast.

- Happens in about three months.

- Slow and steady wins the race.

- Slugs know what's up!

♥♥ My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.

 - It depends on the characters


When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:

- To skip the act entirely.

- To write the build up, but skip the act.

- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it.

- To write the act all the way through.

♥♥ It can definitely be skipped over if the other person prefers.

**Any kind of smut should be discussed beforehand unless you are a close friend. Then its fair game lol xD **


When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:

- Do not post it at all without talking to me.

♥♥ Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.

♥♥ Post it if it is kisses.

♥♥ Post it if it is much more.

- Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!

- Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!

**Art is art! I Don't mind my RP partners posting art of our ships! c: **


When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:

- No violence at all!

- I'm fine with verbal arguments!

- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.

- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.

- Violence, such as stabbings.

- Beyond violence, such as torture and more.

**Always ask me regarding violence please! If its playful I will usually be fine with it, but always ask me beforehand! **

If you are going to do something violent, please:

- Don't do it at all.

♥♥♥♥ Talk to me about it first.

- Surprise me!

Depends on the type of violence


- Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.

- Talk to me about it before posting!

♥♥ Post what you like!

♡ LF:Ships/Interactions♡

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by Usagiii

Going to open this to see if I can get my kids some new ships / interactions! ;7; )/ 

I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I always get so nervous to put this out there. But since I am feeling slightly better I thought this would help me relax and smile!

But here are a few things to keep in mind! ♡

1. I would love to talk about our kids and I do have a discord if anyone would be interesting in contacting me through there! (I can HC / RP) 

2. Regarding ships in particular  note that I am more than willing to build a characters backstory around your character, but note that their personalities I would like to stick to as much as possible c: 

3. Note if a character says they have a crush on another of my characters they are still open for ships! They are just my random ideals so feel free to ask about them! 

4. I am willing to hold characters for ships (This applies to my friends!- People listed on my page)

5. Please just have fun!♡ I am very open minded and I love to hear what people have in mind for things. 

(Also note that this applies to my Gijinka's only for now! They are all listed on this account~)

Just comment or PM me!

 (If you would like my discord please PM me!)

♡ List of Ships ♡

- Aion & Cordelia: Shipped (Cam)

- Akio & Tamaki: Shipped (Cam)

- Camilla & Maxie: Shipped (Shinx)

- Kyuu & Yuka: Shipped (Kisa)

- Lana & Lupita & Axel: Shipped (Shinx)

- Morgan & Veronica: Shipped (Shinx)

-Rima & Haruki: Shipped (Kisa)- AU Miyuki & Shin!

-Azura & Yato: Shipped (Aura)
