Usend's Bulletins

fuck you mean it's been 4 months now

Posted 4 months, 20 days ago by Usend


anyways hi i've been looking hard at this, page, yet again, i have lots of stuff i want to do but didn't get around doing it, maybe now would be a good time (not, right now right now, but you get me)

also do not worry as i still know misprint's existence, i just, didn't put anything in paper as usual lmao, soo yeah, see ya later! or something like that i dunno
also the spewpa got a color rework, i'll change that too in a moment if so


Posted 9 months, 17 days ago by Misprint Usend

Oops, factory error, oh well, what can you do about it
Hi i'm Misprint! thanks to Cola for letting me get here! Surely i can give this place... something! :D

small update because, yes

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Aki Suyo Usend

Ok listen up everyone time to give some announcements, i'm the reluctant representative of this guy so listen up
"Hi everyone, it's me, Usend, no not the roomba version, been a while huh?"  yeah, definitely
"i've been out for a while from here, doing tremendous ammounts of, nothing, i do have a good bunch of characters, ideas, and what not, so sit tight for that, i might get cooking something, also happy birthday to me, a really, really late one, my birthday's the 27/02 please bring something next time" how about no?
"with all that said, hey now i might get to update characters and what not! should be fun, until next time"

... that's it? i thought it was gonna be more, i'm out of here