VELA_N0VA's Bulletins

Emerging from my crypt (updates)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by VELA_N0VA

hi all!

i pretty much fell off the face of the internet back in may or june and i feel like i should to some extent explain what happened. this summer as absolutely sucked for me, starting with $1300 of emergency dental surgery, as well as some other health things (strep throat, visit to the ER that amounted to not much luckily but still sucked). social media as a whole became an unhealthy cycle for me and i ended up deleting everything that wasn't my Toyhouse. the biggest thing is my cat jade got super sick in mid-july and ended up having to be put to sleep at the beginning of september. but things are finally starting to look up, i think. i've been struggling with artistic burnout for what feels like years at this point and taking a few months away from everything related to it has been nice. i want to try and find my passion for drawing again, as well as hopefully chip away at my character bios on here :-)

i've remade my twitter for anyone interested! -->