Valebot_bumblebee's Bulletins


Posted 10 days, 27 minutes ago by Valebot_bumblebee

the results of the medical tests regarding my tachycardia have arrived, it turns out to be a congenital thing that apparently is making itself felt more in recent months, the only way to keep it calm is to take some tranquilizers but they still don't do much , thanks to the tranquilizers I can make small movements but as soon as I get a little more tired the tachycardia starts to make itself felt again, I can't even go for a jog... I'll have to learn to live with it and I hope to feel calmer again, Unfortunately, however, we have not yet understood why it is so strong in this period...

Ocs available

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by Valebot_bumblebee

Hey, just wanted to ask you to give these guys a chance ^^


Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by Valebot_bumblebee

Hey, sorry if I haven't been very active lately... it's a bit of a stressful period for me and I don't feel 100% physically or mentally, due to stress my tachycardia has increased and this scares me, at the slightest physical effort I feel sick and I'm on the verge of fainting every time ... please forgive me, I haven't forgotten about the drawings, I'm continuing them but I'm even slower than usual due to this psychological and physical condition. Sorry for this little rant, I'm just a little worried. Thank you for your attention and I wish you a good day...💜