Vannish's Bulletins

HTML idea

Posted 4 months, 1 day ago by Vannish

What do you think?

6 Votes I like it!
0 Votes I don't like it. (I won't be offended ^^)
0 Votes Other (please state opinion in comments)

Howdy there!! I've had this html idea for comments in my head for awhile and I've decided to share it! I can't make htmls but I still thought this would be a fun idea to share!

Basically this is a code for oc Q&As, roleplays, and interactions! I know there's the IC option on comments (which is awesome) but what if you wanted your character to emote? You can, with the IC option, change the picture, yes, but what if you wanted the character's picture to change multiple times in one comment?

Here's some illustrations I did to demonstrate my idea (on a very limited canvas size, mind you)


This isn't 100% what it would probably look like but these illustrations are just to get the ideas out


Yes, there would be the complication of the roleplayers having to draw icons for their characters but I, personally, would love to do that for mine


Canvas size was only big enough for me to put two character comments in each comment (if that makes sense) but if this were real there'd be room for a lot more.

Anyways, BAM! Here's my idea!

Art advent calendar!! (not mine)

Posted 5 months, 22 minutes ago by Vannish

Do you like the words "begrumpled haggersnash"????

5 Votes yes
0 Votes no
0 Votes I am indifferent, you dork Look at this it's really cool!!!

Fill a slot before they're all gone!