
Freebies, are as assumed, first come first serve unless they are WTA/NTA/DTA 
   -If they just have a name, they have no 'requirements' to obtain them, the first person to ask for them gets them.

WTA = Write to adopt
    -You pretty much give them a name, bio, personality and just demonstrate you have a purpose for them instead of just letting them sit on your account or to be used as trade fodder.

NTA = Name to adopt
    -You can list as many names as you'd like (in one comment) for this character. I'll pick the one I personally like and who I feel has a personality already in the works for them. (more likely to pick you if you actually have a name that fits them or a definition of the name that would fit them- i'm a sucker for this)

DTA = Draw to adopt
   -You draw the character, usually as many times as you'd like while the deadline is available. Skill and media do not have a play in this, i'm more likely to give a character to someone who's drawn them more then once and has them interacting in images instead of one solid image.