Oriental Jaders

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Oriental Jaders were created by Benathorn and their official group can be found here!

Jader breeding Slots + Plans

The Farm

On the plains of Eldemore's Southern Kingdom lies an unremarkable little farm. Its residents spend their days tending to their crops and livestock, living a mostly quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of the cities.

Simple Family Rustic

The Vineyard

Rows upon rows of grape vines decorate the hillside surrounding the old country house that these Jaders call home. Nestled among the valleys of the Oriental Isles, peace and prosperity reign supreme, but adventure lurks for those who seek.

Luxury Old-fashioned Noble


Home to Valkyrie and her descendents.
Drakes call the mountains home, and so too do the fearless hunters who stalk the winged beasts. These Jaders fear not fire nor death as they hunt the monsters that plague the land.

Warriors Monsters Violence

Fate's Flourish

Call it what you will - destiny, fortune, luck - whatever you call it, it's on their side. The businesses paint a pretty front while they scheme and plot their way to the top. It's not blood that's brought them together, but that's what it will take to tear them apart.

Spies Thieves Liars


They make their own rules and live by their own code. The cold streets of the city may be unfriendly, but together they will not only survive, they will overcome any obstacles and make the world their own.

Pickpockets Survivors Family

The Sea Phantom

The salty breeze carries the ship that they call home across the crisp waves of the sea as they chase down treasures and secrets. These Jaders are most at home on the water, causing havoc wherever the winds take them.

Piracy Treasures Adventure


These denizens of the desert are used to the day's scorching rays and the frigid nights that follow. Their tracks disappear with the wind, the sands covering their prints as they speed across the dunes.

Rugged High-Speed Clever


Through forests and across seas, they make their home where they lay their head. Travelling across the vast continent of Eldemore, these Jaders share stories, trade wares, and read from the webs of fate.

Travellers Peaceful Destiny


These Jaders don't conform, they've chosen their own paths separate from the others. Their stories may cross with the others, but they never quite seem to merge.

Individual Trailblazers Independent

HTML by Eggy

Eldemore Jaders Oriental Jaders Fates Flourish Sea Phantom Vineyard Golgems Pirates Farm Runaways Misc Golgem Daraki Mystic Norland Willie Dragons Equimines golgems Rune Dragon equimine